Should Colonel Gaddafi eventually step down?

Should Colonel Gaddafi step down, last night on the news there were reports he was supplying his army with viagra, you only have to look at the reports of r**e coming out of Libya to guess what he’s using it for, the guy should step down and let Libya follow democracy, the guy should face responsibility to the ICC, some of his own former ministers have claimed he personally ordered the Lockerbie Bombing, the man is a war criminal

Answer #1

Step down !!?? I think the guy should be physically removed.

Answer #2

I agree Allie, I should have re-worded this better, should he step down before he is forcibly removed, he needs to do what’s right and just go, the leaders in Egypt and Tunisia stepped down why can’t he

Answer #3

he said he would not step down.

should he, yes. will he, no.

Answer #4

he needs to go he’s a despicable man who is willing use any means to get what he wants, there’s a reason Lockerbie isn’t a small scottish town know for one of the oldest ice-rinks, no it’s known for a bombing that killed too may people that was ordered by him and there are so so many people who are in unimiaginable danger if he stays

Answer #5

Propaganda is a useful tool for war contractors. The more outrageous the claims… the more the gullible public is likely to go against their best interests and support the machinations of the oligarchs. They need justifications for their invasions… so they make outrageous claims that are rarely supported with any empirical evidence.

Hussein was claimed to have gassed the Kurds. According to an intelligence investigation… the type of gas used on the Kurds was not in the arsenal if the Iraqis. At that point in time… our intelligence department blamed the Kurdish deaths on the Iranians. When we wanted to invade Iraq the first time… the culpability of the Kurdish deaths switched to Hussein. The next time we sought to invade Iraq… Hussein was developing nuclear weapns… he had hid WMDs… he had purchased yellowcake uranium ore from the Nigerians. All lies. At one time… Saddam Hussein was instrumental for the US in the Baathist overthrow of Abd al Karim Qassim… the prime minister of Iraq who led the coup that ended Iraq’s monarchy. The CIA sought the overthrow of Qassim because of his communist sympathies. They financed the Baathists coup that eventually assassinated Qassim. Saddam Hussein was a member of the coup. The CIA protected Hussein after the first unsuccessful attempt while he was in hiding. They financed his rise to power while he headed Baathist intelligence and hunted down thousands of Iraqi communists. Once he had ensconced himself in the drivers seat of Iraq and was no longer at the beck and call of the CIA… he was expendable.

Al-Qaeda is an offshoot of the mujahedeen. Like the Iraqi Baathists… the mujahedeen received financial backing from the CIA through the Bank of Credit and Commerce International. Osama Bin Laden;s father helped fund the BCCI. Al-Qaeda was an ally of NATO during the Bosnian and Kosovo wars. Al-Qaeda… as unbelievable as it may sound… is actually an ally of NATO in this Libyan war. We are fighting Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan… and fighting with them in Libya.

Moammar Qaddafi publicly ended the Libyan WMD programs. Afterwords… western oil interests attempted to ingratiate themselves with Qaddafi. The Chinese oil industry has been expanding into Africa… and working with Qaddafi. The US pressured Qaddafi to be a U.S. AFRICOM partner… in an effort to stave off Chinese. He refused… so he must go.

This is why we are involved in Libya. This is why the complicit media is concocting these stories of r@pe gangs. This is why we are killing Libyan children with our bombs: This is why our dear leader is dragging us further into the depths of economic depression. All so that the oligarchs can replenish their commodity coffers.

Answer #6

addendum: Amnesty International has now come forward and stated that their investigation has turned up ZERO evidence to back the r@pe gang narratives. The investigation has also determined that some of the allegations of r@pe from NATO backed forces in Benghazi have been “manufactured.”

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