which is more cleaner a dog or a cat?

Answer #1


Answer #2

Cat coz it cleans itself x

Answer #3

cat because they pretty much take care of themselves and they dont smell as bad at all in my opinion..lol

Answer #4

ill vote for cat too

Answer #5

Generally…cats are. But there are dog breeds who can rival a cat…A Besenji cleans itself just like a cat…

Answer #6

cat for sure.

Answer #7

Hahaha cats leave hair all over and cough up hair balls etc, etc. I don’t care for dogs either LOL =)

Answer #8

most probably a cat because in my experience, dogs have more fleas than cats and cats are not that messy

Answer #9

Both can be very clean depending on their training. As long as their house broken, they both shed hair but the amount depends on the breed. They both wash themselves but if their outdoors alot you’re going to have to wash them, depending on the animal.

Answer #10

see? almost everyone except for the really stupid ones* like cats

  • sorry guys i dont usually mean it but in this case it was justified
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