cartlage piercings hurt?

cartlage piercings hurt?

Answer #1

I have a answer to that.

I got mine done about… 7 hours ago (4:30ish)

with a NEEDLE. now a lot of people say that needle is the way to go, because a gun can really DAMAGE your ear. and up until I got mine done I was on the side of a gun.

I decided that a needle was what I was going to do, so we called up this lady (who owns a buisness) and we made a appointment.

I have a VERY low pain tollerance, well its more of a mental thing, but im getting over it.

the lady was UHHMAAZZINNG. she answered all my questions and when she put the clamp on my ear (to hold it and stop most of the pain) she put the needle in right afterwards, all I felt was a prick when she slid in the needle (she did it slow, its really actually less pain inflicting that way) and that was the most painful part. and that was only about as painful as a SMALL .. actually it didnt hurt as much as a shot. lol.

Please, do get it done with a needle. honestly you’ll be happy you did afterwards. because if they are using a needle the are PROFESSIONALS so they can answer your questions. I really liked the lady who did mine because she was verryy supportive and we were in a private room and everything.

haha. long story I know. but I hope it helped, and you’ll LOVE your piercing once you get it. im sure you’ve read it a bajillion times but needles really ARE better, just do it.

:) p.s. it was only sore (like a lot) for about a hour or so. but now its just a very SMALL dull ache. I recomend buying Bactine to use for cleaning get the pain releaving cleansing spray. its awesome. and put a LOT on. its helps heal it faster… (or so the lady said)

Answer #2

not it doesnt :) but after it hurts abit when you lay on it etc, but other than that it doesnt hurt atal

Answer #3

just dont be an idiot an do it yourself and dont get it dont by some inexprienced isiot at a salon oir mall who uses the gun as well as there not profesionals and numerous other reaosns the gun is full of germs from other peoples blood because they dont sterilize it you want a real peircing you get it done by a profesional with a surgical steel needle will it hurt? it depends on your pain tolerance but anything you get peirced through your flesh will hurt to some degree and remember a peircing is not an accessory, its a wound

Answer #4

Eh, not much. Depends on the person, I guess. If your doing it yourself, make sure everything is sterelized.

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