Candy Grams

Okay. Well I figured candy grams would be a good funraiser to do…since its almost christmas time. soo…how much should they cost? and…what candy should they be? I was thinking…candy canes…or something but…what are your ideas?

Answer #1

Candy canes might be a good idea since it’s the right time of year. Maybe mix it up a bit with different flavors of candy canes - not just the peppermint kind to give a better selection. As for price… I wouldn’t charge TOO much but I wouldn’t screw the fundraiser either… I’d say charge about 50 cents each.

Answer #2

I think I agree with your answer because having different flavors would be good and I think the price she gave was good - not too much, yet not too cheap. Good answer!

Answer #3

Mabie some mini candy canes and some hard candy and a wide selection. Or have you’re self a do it you’re self candy selection where the customer picks however many the quantity is and picks it’s own. For the first one charge 50 cents on the last one let them take 5 pieces of candy and charge a dollar. hope this helps!

Answer #4

No problem

Answer #5


Answer #6


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