What are some things that you do when your angry to calm yourself?

What are some things that you do when your angry to calm urself? bc right now im really angry and I need to calm down

Answer #1

breath. I have a “problem” wer I get far too angry far too quickly, I breath, it can do the world of good. also try punchin a pillow

Answer #2

Punch a wall, listen to loud music, Go for a walk, take a deep breath and push away the anger, Scream ( Maybe in a pillow?), Stab paper with a pen, Go for a sprint.

Answer #3

like victoria 233 said listen to music are take a nap =] or go otuside and scream rele loud! I did that today and I have been happy ever since..kinda lol are you can get a punching bag.hope I helped=]=[

Answer #4

Take a deep breath. And write as much as I need to why im mad. or go on my roof and think and just nature do its work :] haha. But im ususally never mad. But you should just breath and have some time to yourself and just think.

Answer #5

try to go to your room and listen to loud music and start dancing like crazy I always do that when I’m mad or just take a nap or something!!! you well soon get over it everything is going to be okay!!!=] good luck!

Answer #6

Make bread… hear me out… You get the fast acting stress relief from punching the dough (kneeding) and the long lasting relief from yummy bread, plus bonus fresh baked smell all day.

Answer #7

Some things that you can do are things that make you happy. For example, when I am angry, I listen to music or write poetry. It takes my mind off of what I was angry at in the first place=) Hope this helps

Answer #8

try to count to ten and breath deeply. ANd if ten is to short go to a hundred. And be carful with your anger because when you lose your temper you can do some pretty stupid stuff. I know! I am speaking from experiance.

Answer #9

Sing “I feel pretty”. This method is endorsed by Jack Nicholson himself!

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