bush the worst???

ok honestly guys do yall really think bush was as bad as evryone ssay he was? I mean im not much of a bush fan myself but my opinion bout him and other politicians are influenced by others so I cant base a good solid opinion bout him but like my point is he is an american and I dont think at least an american president would go as far 2 make the people and citizens miserable I mean I know their were horrible dicators and leaders throughout history but c’mon now I think he did his best but what do yall think

Answer #1

ugh I think he was horrible… he ruined everything…

Answer #2

wow a bunch of you are crazy… you clearly know nothing about politics nor do you know any politicians … it is extremely stressful and often thank-less to be in the public eye like that. And your just crazy conspiracy theorists, and it’s just ignorant.

And TY, no one was saying that his caring for his country was because he is an american. And BTW dicatators usually do not really care about their country, they care about themselves and Bush is NOT or was NOT a dictator, he was a freely elected president incase you were unaware.

As for Bush, I think he did do his best and in most cases he did what needed to be done. In other cases he made choices that I didn’t agree with, but it cannot be easy to be the President of the USA. I think this is an important question because people often just believe what they hear on the TV or read in the news papers and it’s important to remember that though based in truth, the media is influenced and has their own agenda (that is selling papers/ getting good ratings) and so the “news” we get from them has a bias. But, compared to many other countries our media is very free and you can always find both sides of the story (just watch Fox news and CNN, you will most likely get different opinions).

Answer #3

Maybe you should actually read the question before disputing my argument…

And I quote… “I dont think at least an american president would go as far 2 make the people and citizens miserable”

obviously an American cant be evil and selfish! what was I thinking!

How would you know whether a dictator cared about his/her country or not? You do know an elected president by all people is a relatively new concept right? Maybe you need to study up on history… There have been dictators, monarchies, and what not far longer than there have been elected officials… You have no right to judge how much a person cares about their people based on your myopic view of what is the right way to rule and what is not… I know it must be hard watching fox news and hearing about these evil dictators, but really life isnt quite as black and white…

oh and since we’re biased, given his approval rating was around 20%, that makes 80% of the country biased and conspiracy theorists, (although really, war in Iraq was a mistake since he was wrong about why he went in, and he said he was wrong about the WMDs… and that cost the country billions of dollars, put it into debt, etc etc) I suppose you actually have some sort of unbiased source you’re getting this all from?

Answer #4

I’m not enough of a historian to decide if Bush II was the worst president of all times. I’ll leave that up to academics. I do think he was the worst president of my lifetime.

I can excuse mistakes by a president, even if his mistakes cause great loss of life and property as his have. Presidents are human and everyone errors. What I can’t excuse is abuse of power.

George W Bush believes that the president of the United States is above the law. He believed that he could ignore the Bill of Rights and the rule of international law. He refused to recognize the human rights of prisioners by holding them indefinitely without charges, refusing to afford them Geneva Convention rights, and torturing them ourselves and through proxys. He spied on innocent Americans without court order or probable cause.

His administration claims that their actions made us safer and protected us from attack but all the terrorist plots they claim to have thwarted were laughable and never could have worked.

Answer #5

I would say he was a good president, he made the hard decisions that needed to be made, look at what he had happen during his two terms.

could he have done some things better? sure he could have, but a lot of the things he is being accused of were a lot longer than his presidency in the making.

me personally- I am glad we got saddam (for whatever reason) the ruthless tyrant is dead- HOORAY!!

as far as the war on terror and the taliban- I am glad we took the fight to them.

the facts still remain- we were not attacked again after 9-11. I supported the dude then and I support him now- he made the tough decisions. the U.N. has proven to be an emasculated , ineffective organization, we did what they should have been doing.

Answer #6

I didnt say democracy was a new concept…

“You do know an elected president by all people is a relatively new concept right”

in ancient greece, women, slaves etc did not vote…

100 years ago, in the US, women did not vote…

If you want to believe that is a true democracy, that is your right…

as for the media being biased, oh absolutely… but just because they’re biased, doesnt mean they’re wrong… and you still havent given any evidence or sources that disprove anything…

Answer #7

I wasnt talkin bout you ty lol

Answer #8

lol, so because he was an american he cared more about his country than other dicatators cared about theirs…

I really have no comment for that statement…

the way people live in their bubbles never ceases to amuse me..

as for he did his best, if that was his best, well it still makes him a lousy president, but that’s just sad…

Answer #9

like you said jmz10 their are always 2 sides 2 a story I mean 4 instace we cant go 2 war w/o the un’s approval and we got saddam hussein under bush as well

Answer #10

um dis 1 was just a ? on ppls opinion on ush I think us ben labeled as conspiracy theorists is just rude and sum of yall didint read carefully bout da dictator I know about democracy its rally not a new concept its been around since the ancient greeks and I wasnt comparin him 2 a dictaor and I also metioned leaders in my question as well and I the reason I asked dis ? was because I dont know much bout politics but I do know enough the media has the tendency o overexagerate the situaiton or tell you bout 20% of the overal story

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