Bumps on my vagina, and lower pelvic pain.

I’m 16, and I am not sexually active, but I have very small white bumps in/around my vaginal area. they don’t hurt and I wasn’t really too concerned about them until I started to get pain in my lower pelvic area. I don’t know what it is, now I’m starting to get worried. My grandmother on my mother’s died of bone cancer brain cancer and breast cancer, could it possibly be something cancer related?

Answer #1

Yes it could be and I would get it checked out as soon as possible! It is very important you do if you have even the slightest thought it is cancer related, and unfortunately I think it could be. Just a guess from some random person on the Internet though, don’t be a hypochondriac, but be safe. Get checked out.

Answer #2

on the other hand, its also very normal.

Answer #3

Yes–It could be as far as I understand..cancer runs in your family.

So yes it is possible.

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