What were these bumps on my vagina?

Last month sometime I was messing with this guy and we used protection when we had sex. To make the long story short the condom broke. Then a couple days latter I had irritating bumps on the bottom end of my vagina. The bumps is no longer there now but I wonder what I had. My physician told me what it was but I forgot. You think you can give me some feedback.

Answer #1

Since your Dr already gave you a diagnosis - call his office ask the term used, how to spell it, then look it up (research treatment,etc)…Good luck !!

Answer #2

your post cornfuzed me, Your previous post talked about bumps on a penis. Now you all of a sudden have a vagina with bumps. Did your Dr. feel that your outbrake was anything to worry about? If so what did he perscribe?

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