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whats a purno???did you mean p.o.r.n.o?
Well, how old is he?
How old is he? If hes in his teen atleast you dont do anything. Its not really any of your business and its not something i think he would want the world knowing. You can tell him that you saw and ask him to hide it a little better next time, but po.rn is harmless and hes a boy…hes just trying to get himself off.
Depending own how old he is, you should tell on him if he is under 15 years old. I saw my brother watching one once, but I didn’t tell on him. It is truely up to you to decide. In the end you will make the right choice.
yeah P.O.R.N.O Happy
he’s 15
thnXx . i think i’ll do that
well how old is your brother
my brother is 15
yes teehee lol no but its normal for his age do be doing that trust me lots of boys that age and younger do it :–]
Don’t do anything. Act like nothing happened. It’s his business.
ID use it against him than i wouldve took a video so if he made you mad you should showed him an said imma send it to everyoen
hehehe . yeah you know u are right
he’s mean to me anyways i should do that
am gonna take it against him ThnXX u are the best (^_^)
Your welcome :) i wish i saw my sister watchin that
Don’t do anything. It’s normal, and po.rn doesn’t really do any harm (unless it’s like child po.rn or something…yucky, then tell on him). It’s none of your buisness, it’ll just embarrass him if you confront him about it, and you’re just being a tattle tale if you tell on him, imo.
i wouldnt say or do a thin. Totally normal.
tell your mother to BEAT HIM
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