How do you make your boobs grow bigger?

How do you make your boobs grow bigger?

Answer #1

yea well people dont tell us how your boobs are big and how we dont need bigger boobs I am young but at school that is what gets attection if you haave boobs show them that you do but it is a big deal because guyzz go for it and you end up loseing your man :( so thats what I have to say!!!

Answer #2

ill suck em

Answer #3

well I want big boobs too , but I never put my questions on here because you always have poeple saying that they have big boobs and how its terrible . we didnt ask for an opinion .. we asked for help . everypne thinks differently about theirself , and others have problemsz thats why they ask for advice . not to be struck with people saying theirs are to big . we dont want to know . check out youtube they have a lot of workouts they help I’ve started doing it and am hoping to see results . good luck !! x

Answer #4

drink milk and if that dose not work then stuff them when u go out

Answer #5

Do some arm exercises. That will firm up your boobs and make them thicker.

Answer #6

I know a lotta pplz want to b natural but surgery aint that bad.check out what they do on 90210.besides your only in recovery bout a week

Answer #7

pay a male prostitute to suck them.

Answer #8

well i hear if u rub them alot they’ll get bigger if that doesn’t work try stuffing them

Answer #9

well i hear if u rub them alot they’ll get bigger if that doesn’t work try stuffing them

Answer #10

stick with wot u have i am 34e and it is awful every1 notices i am skinny so it is worse stick with wot u have be happy wiv ur self

Answer #11

I’d say, that rubbing oil (sesame) on your boobs make them bigger. Massaging them works too. Do some arm excersises and push-ups are good too. Drinking milk really helps. Or if you don’t want them to naturally GROW bigger, then stuff your bra with tissue.

Answer #12

when you have your period your boobs get bigger by over half the size drinking milk and eating chicken breasts work as well

Answer #13

wtf! why would you stuff it…thatd be fake and people would eventually notice. and I’ve been drinkin milk my entire life and im an A cup. doubt that does anything. and what type of arm exercises… that might actually work.

Answer #14

okay well like for the longest time ever my boobs were like the biggest size in A and smallest size in B.. and then like I kept wearin a sports bra and they got smaller. that was how they got back into the A’s.. and lately I been working out like my whole body but I break down into diff sections.,, im not sur if arm workouts do really work but thats one thing im focused on workin out and like the other nite I was wearin one of my fave B bras to sleep and I swear the next morning I woke up and when I changed shirts I culd see that my boobs didnt fit my bra anymore!! then today at freakin school I kept havin problems with my undershirt but we (friends and I) figured out that my boobs got bigger so now im like not in As anymore and I have to go up a level on B,,, the workouts I do for my arms are push-ups.,, sit press.,, chin ups or wutev they’re called and some other thing one of my brothers told me… and I been talkin to my “boyfriend” bout this and he says its funny how they got smaller but he’s sure they’re bigger because I been workin out,, but my best guyfriend says technically its because im getting fatter so I don’t know because I have been eating a lot of fattening stuff but like im not tooth pick skinny but I know for a fact im not fat either because I still wear smalls. so yea thats my opinion thx for reading

Answer #15

i kno ppl will eventually tell.

Answer #16

Hiii!!!! see there are many ways by which u can enhance your breast growth naturally without going for any harmful surgeries that can harm u lot…So one best solution is to use clevastin breast enhancement cream that will really work work you with no side effects at all….

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