What happens if I binge drink?

What happens if I binge drink?? Will anything happen or no?

Answer #1

jazlovestoskate, I’m afraid you’re misinformed. lung cancer, yellow teeth, and yellow nails come from smoking, not drinking.

any sort of excessive drinking can lead to liver problems. regular consumption of excessive amounts of alcohol can be a sign of alcohol addiction, also known as alcoholism.

if you drink a single beer every night you are not binge drinking, nor are you an alcoholic. in fact, beer contains a high level of vitamin B and a SINGLE beer every night or two is good for you.

If you drink excessively (more than 5 drinks, as mentioned above) very often - once a week or more - you may want to consider that your behaviour is bordering on alcoholic, and consider cutting down your frequency of drinking, or the quantitity of drinking you do in one night.

If you binge drink one every month or so, you should worry about alcohol poisoning if you drink too many drinks (you know that hangover? that’s a mild symptom of alcohol poisoning.) but that’s really about the only thing you have to worry about.

Yes you will get drunk if you binge drink.

Having a couple drinks with friends is not wrong. Be responsible about it. Don’t drive. Have someone around who is sober or not having more than one drink.

However, if you find yourself believing that you NEED to drink to have fun, or that you feel depressed and sad when you are sober, or if you regularily drink to the point of passing out, then you may want to speak to a counselor about this, as these are all signs of alcoholism.

Stay safe, and take care

Answer #2


The Drug and Alchohol unit. I just learned about this in my Health class. Yay! 5 or more drinks is binge drinking. (Actually I binge drinked about a month ago… my first time drinking, but I had 5 bottles of beer and a few shots) Then just last week we learned about “Alcohol Poisoning” at school.

Alcohol poisoning is a dangerous and sometimes deadly result of drinking extreme amounts of ethanol alcohol. It is important and relevant to emphasize the fact that binge drinking (consuming five or more alcoholic drinks at one sitting) can also lead to alcohol poisoning. The effects of the alcohol on your body depend on the amount of alcohol in your blood (blood alcohol level). Factors that affect your blood alcohol level include the following:

How strong the alcoholic drink is How quickly your body metabolizes the alcohol How much food is in your stomach at the time you drink How quickly you consume the alcoholic drink

The first symptom of alcohol poisoning is usually nausea, followed by vomiting. These symptoms are messages from your body that you consumed more alcohol than your body can metabolize. The following represent other signs and symptoms of alcohol poisoning:

Absent reflexes No withdrawal from painful stimuli (for instance from pinching) Confusion Difficulty awakening the person Seizures Slow, shallow, or irregular breathing Blue-tinged skin or pale skin Unconsciousness (passing out)

=] That should be all you need to know! AND Be Careful!

Answer #3

binge drinking is bad, worse than regular drinking, even though I am strictly against alcohol whatsoever regular drinking is better, you have less risk of overdosing.

Answer #4

Yes binge drinking is bad, destroys your liver and has other bad side effects, also most likely to lead to alcohol abuse and addiction…

Answer #5

the obviouse answer is yes there are no benifits from noral drinking, let alone binge drinking not only do you screw up you body both internaaly and externaly everything from, liver problems, lung cancer, to bad skin, yellow teeth nails ect but the more you drink, and thre more often you do it will also affect your fertility alcohol is a good way to make you infertile if you constantly drink it not just in women but also in men

Answer #6

it is very bad for you… but… it can be fun… so why not do it?

Answer #7

what is that

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