What is your biggest motivation in life?

Answer #1

to become a radiologists and marry the guy I love in the whole world

Answer #2


Answer #3

My biggest motivation in life and to just live is my best friend Ben and Jason. They motivate me to do well and not rot in my own guilt

Answer #4

Mostly my boyfriend/fiancee. We’re both working hard, saving up money, trying to pay off our expensive student loans quickly as possible so we can move out together.

Answer #5

My sister :D

Answer #6


Answer #7

family :) without them i wouldnt have gotten as far as to where i am now :) they supported me through the worst of times even if it was smth very stupid xD i love them :)

Answer #8

God, Mom, Daddy, and my music. :) :D

Answer #9

Music, seeing people trip over things, or candy.

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