what is your biggest challenges in life?

Answer #1

Being happy. Not worrying. No being paranoid.

Answer #2

The biggest challenges in my life have been:

(a) Waiting for Godot all these years; and (b) Attempting to get Vladimir to use his intelligence.

Answer #3

“Loving enemies” is the biggest challenge in my life.

Answer #4

Suffering with depression and asbergers on a daily bases but also prove to everyone it doesn’t make me a bad mum as I love my boy and being with him makes me happy.

Answer #5

i think one of my biggest challenges was when i had kinda an eating disorter… i always im sooooos scared it will come back,,.. cause that was my all time low like i dident think i was fat but it was all in my head i couldent stop thinking about throwing up cause i dident wanna n i never did its hard to explain but i kinda made myself sick n i dident wanna be around anyone im happy i dont have it anymore thou (: and i feel one of my biggest challenges now is the fact that i have social anxiety n its soooo bad i have to come up with the courage to over come it but its hard when i have no one to help me n no one understands

Answer #6

the biggest challenge in life is to find the right one. you can always see that someone is looking for the perfect the other half, however they try, it just won’t happen. cause it never exists such people. All you can do is to find the imperfect person who can make you perfectly happy.(China Financial Corporation http://en.qianzhan.com/report/detail/245f45bdfe114840.html)

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