Best tanning

What is the best way to tan?

Answer #1

I just read a study today that said the ‘only’ safe tanning is spray-on - all others utilize UV rays.

Answer #2


Tanning beds don’t offer a safe alternative to natural sunlight. Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation damages your skin, whether the exposure comes from tanning beds or natural sunlight. This damage increases the risk of skin cancer and premature skin aging. In fact, most tanning beds emit mainly UVA rays — which may increase the risk of melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. If you want the golden glow of a tan without exposure to damaging UV radiation, consider using a sunless tanning product. Avoid tanning beds, and use a broad-spectrum sunscreen whenever you’re outdoors.

Mayo Clinic dermatologist Lawrence Gibson, M.D.

Answer #3

For great info on tanning, moderate uv exposure and vitamin D best to check out sites like for information, and not rely on the regurgitated misleading info that we are all too familiar with.

Answer #4

Go to a salon that offers spray on tan. It’s much healthier then baking yourself in the sun or in a tanning booth. Getting it sprayed on or having it applied for you will make sure that its even and now they have really good self tanners…no more orange.

Answer #5

I suggest a mystic spray on tan - heat radiation is very bad for your skin.

Answer #6

not a tanning salon or booth. they can cause cancer, pre-ageing and other risks they should be banned not with the sun either. fake tan is the dafest way so get a bottle of that! they dont cost much and theres no risks

Answer #7

I wouldnt do what amblessed said because if you dont spray it right you could get spots. no tanning is good but what I would do is if your just going to tan like two times go to a tanning bed but only if your doing it not more than 2 times because you could get cancer. if you are doing it more than like 2 times use tanning oil when you swim or just go outside. deffinetly tan if you are white and dont listen to the first person that just doesnt make sense!!!

Answer #8
Answer #9

In the sun!!! Duhh lol taning in a tanning bed goes away if you dont keep going back.

Answer #10

Tanning is stupid , If yopur healthy on the inside, it will show on the outside

Answer #11

all natural

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