who believes that everything happens for a reason?

Answer #1

I do!

Answer #2

I do. When me and my girl started going out, we didn’t know a thing about each other but as days went by, we grew strong. I wonder that question a lot, and I do think we were meant for each other. 4 Months

Answer #3

No i don’t, some things happen just because and there is no reasoning behind them.

Answer #4

aw how cute im happy for both of u

Answer #5

:) Thanks, she’s the main source of my happiness.

Answer #6

and why do u?

Answer #7

I definitely do…sometimes we neglect to see the signs, but it’s there…it’s always there…we just need to open our eyes & mind a little more to see it when it happens & grab on to it or lose it! I believe people come into our lives for a reason too…just when you think your life is hopeless, you’ll find a stranger even on a site like this who will wind up becoming your friend…someone you can share things with & even help save a life!

Dont rule it out just because someone says they dont…experience it for yourself & then make your own decision! If you feel that it has never happened for you…perhaps it wasnt meant to because you have all you need! :)

Answer #8

you are so right

Answer #9

I do. I believe I was meant to go out with this guy, just so I could meet another guy. The other guy is now my BF of 9 months, and he lives with me. ♥ I believe everything in his past lead him to me, and things in my past lead me to him. We seen each other 2 years before we really even met, without knowing it.

Answer #10

thanks sweetie…just spoken from the heart! ♥

Answer #11

aw im happy for u and him

Answer #12

awe, that is adorable…we dont go around hearing that about love anymore…more power to ya!

Answer #13

haha To add on, I hope to marry her after college.

Answer #14

I agree temptress…♥

Answer #15

Thank you. :)

Answer #16

me too sweetie…great big hug…love is so wonderful when you find the person you are truly meant to be with…and in a split second you can lose it all if it isnt meant to be…I sure hope he treats you right…if he doesnt he is going to have to deal with all of us your FA family!

Answer #17

Aww, that is soo sweet. You seem like a really nice guy. There aren’t many of them around anymore seems like.

Answer #18

That I know, it’s surprising. Not to take any pride, but I try my best with her.

Answer #19

Lol :D ♥♥♥

Answer #20

awe thanks love…hugs ♥

Answer #21

omg, that is so romantic to already have those plans in the back of the head…just take it slow…you dont even want to rush where matters of the heart is…just enjoy each others company then decided to make it official! :)

Answer #22

Yes x10000

Answer #23

That’s what we’re doing right now

Answer #24

Nope. No good reason for children to starve to death. No good reason for babies to be born with HIV. No good reason for children to be sold into slavery. No good reason for innocent females to be rap.ed and tortured. No good reason for young people to die in a war they are in because there is no other choice. No reason for kids to be forced to kill their own parents and then turned into child soldiers. No reason for kids to be molested or abused by their own family members. Sorry, too much cr.ap happens to those who least deserve it. There’s no good reason. And if there’s something controlling it. Well in no way is that being good. By any definition.

Answer #25

I agree that many things happen that are bad. I think that sometimes, maybe a woman that has been ra.ped, so that she can turn out to be a stronger person. Then go on to help prevent others women from going through the same thing.

Answer #26

Maybe the reason some dies, is so that they don’t have to continue suffering.

Answer #27


Answer #28

And what happens to the women who dont turn out stronger? What happens if they just turn out to die of an overdose because they’re completely messed up? What was the lesson there? And ok, so the person dies and that ends their suffering. What about the mothers who have to live knowing their kids are dead?

Answer #29

Yea, I understand your point. I guess not everything happens for a good reason. I guess it’s more like everything that happens in someone’s past, makes them who they are today, and if their past (no matter how bad) was changed, then their future may be different as well. It’s a tough subject to explain…

Answer #30

No, I don’t think everything happens for a reason.

Answer #31

Not really. I do understand what you’re saying. I simply dont agree with it. But agreeing to disagree is fine with me.

Answer #32

That’s fine with me too. :) Everyone has their own opinions. :)

Answer #33

i do…..everything does hapen for a reason…things happen that we cant change, but it was meant to happen so other doors with better opportunities can open.

Answer #34

I don’t. I used to, but come on.. after a month, I’m STILL trying to think of a reason why my puppy died. There’s no reason. His health was perfect, he was being treated well, (actually, he was quite spoiled)… why did he have to die?

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