How to become vegetarian?

How, what do you eat,?

Answer #1

anything that’s not meat..I’m gussing?? have friends that are vegetarians…and they practically eat veggies, fruits, dairy products, grain products (every group on the food guide, except for meat, but they eat alternatives (eggs,tofu…) …ooohhh and soy product!! -you noe…like soy burgers?? =P anyhoo… good luck being a vegetarian =)

Answer #2

well vegetarian is when you dont eat any meat…so you wud be considered a semi vegetarian my sis is on eso I got it down lol ok so fruits veggies tofo any thing thats not meat…including eggs! MAKE SURE YOU GET SOME SOURCE OF PROTEIN IN YOUR DIET! w/ out meat it will be harder for you to consume the correct amount of protein so eat lots of protein enriched foods!

Answer #3

first, do some reasearch. then, decide what level you want to take it to. stick to a good diet and make sure you get all the essential vitamins and minerals. there are plenty of very helpfull sites and books out there.

Answer #4

There’s an awesome free packet of info that PETA will send to you.

It’s a vegetarian starter kit, is free, comes with recipes, tips, and statistics.

Being veggie is a great decision. I’ve done it but eventually got too anemic. I did it the wrong way. Read this info and do it the right way :)

Answer #5

Ok well if you are a vegetarian youdont eat any meat including fish. But if you are a pesceatarian, like me, then you eat no meat but fish is allowed.

Also avoid gelatin-this is bones skin and other parts of animals, but its taseless so you wont know its in your food unless you check. (check on the labels in the ingredients section.) Most Jelly sweets and yogurts have this inside them.

Answer #6

vegetarians do not eat any meat from any animal. that includes fish. fish are animals and real vegetarians dont eat animals. but do it because you either love animals or cant stand eating them. its more of a lifestyle choice. its not something you should do to loose weight. you also need to get all the nutrients and protien ect that you would get from meat, using things like suppliments. that starter pack from PETA is a good idea, I also got one a while ago.

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