How can I do a backwalkover if my core and abs aren't strong enough to pull through.. ?

Answer #1

i dont remember ever having to use my core..but i’ve always been maybe i just never paid attention..if you can do a back bend all you do after that is kick your legs over..and then practice it…first practice doing a back bend in front of a wall or something and use it practice..doing that means kick off the wall..and then you should get more comfortable and stronger by practicing this way and evenutally you’ll be going fast with it…hope this helps..

Answer #2

I am a gymnast and i never really notice my core either i just keep my arms straight bend my back and kick my legs over. and do it all in one motion.

Answer #3

thank you guys . (: then I guess my tumbling teacher is making me work things i dont need to work haha .

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