At what age can a baby wean off formula and start whole milk?

My son is 11 months is he ready to wean off the formula and start whole milk?

Answer #1

My baby stopped when he was 1 year old :]
it took a while but he did it

Answer #2

The best bet is to talk to your pediatrician - neither of my children used formula, so I’m not sure what the time frame for transition is. That being said, it makes sense to start giving your child more real food (mashed obviously) and cut down on the formula, since your baby should be able to get the vitamins & nutrients they need from the food.

As I recall from my nephews, formula can be expensive as well! Make sure that you discuss the changes with your son’s diet with the pediatrician, (ask questions here also if you need help) and good luck.

Thanks for posting on funadvice.

Answer #3

With all 3 of my children my pediatrician told me to give them regular milk at 10 months and they all three did great with it.

Answer #4


Answer #5

Keep your kids on formula till 1 year old. they need all the good stuff that formula has to offer. Why does everyone want to rust there kids to milk. I know formula is expensive but you wanted kids and as parents expensive or not you need to do what best for them. I cant see any ped tell you that your kids should go on milk at 6 months he or she should not be a doctor. Do whats best for your kids keep them on formula till 1 year old. then go to homogenized milk the fat in the milk helps with brain development.

Answer #6

my twins started at 11 1/2 months half and half then moved them to whole milk and they did great.

Answer #7

I heard a year is when they usually do that…I mean I’m no doctor, but my little sisters doctor said a year. I don’t think it would hurt a month early, but thats just my opinion…

Answer #8

Wait until the baby is a year old.

Answer #9

My daughter will be one year old January 31,and i started her on whole milk @ 11 months.Itried @ 9 and then 10 months but she didnt like it. she loves it now. My two year old started @ around the same time, i never asked the dr. because he would say not to. my husband had to drink reguler milk from birth because he couldnt keep nothing else down so i say at around 10 to 12 months will be fine. Good Luck!!

Answer #10

Milk is terrible for people.

So, my answer would be never.

Soy milk has a bad aftertaste that a child wouldn’t notice if they were started on it young, Rice Milk is very watery, but otherwise just like normal milk and almond milk has a slight almond aftertaste that I actually enjoy. I find rice and almond milk, mixed, gives you the least of the aftertaste effect.

Answer #11

We were told by our pediatrician one year, because the child still needs the nutrients and vitamins within the formula. We were also told to gradually add whole milk to the formula until you progressed to a full bottle of whole milk.

Answer #12

most people i know do it around 1 year or 13 mounths its probley a good time

Answer #13

I have worked in a peds office for 8 years, and our doctors recommend waiting until one year to make the transition. Babies need the formula until then for critical brain development. Wait for that year mark, they have the rest of their lives to drink “regular” milk! :)

Answer #14

My doctor just told me to try giving my 6 month old homo milk now. The jarred baby food for 6 month babies, my son started at 5 months

Answer #15

my son couldn’t have formula NO kinds agreed with him i started homogenized at 2 months and he was fine and healthy my grandson will be 9 months in a few days i was wondering the same he eats LOTs of our foods he gets LOTS of nutrient in our foods he has had yogurt for 3 months now and he seems fine with that wondering since the yogurt has milk if he would be able to handle just plain milk and loose the formula he is almost 25 pounds now

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