Is america ready for a black president?

is america ready for a black president

Answer #1


Total white guilt. I have more respect for people who are willing to admit that they would not vote for a black person than a person who would vote for Obama because of subconscious white guilt. Most people voting for Obama don’t have a reason for voting for him.

Answer #2


Answer #3

Amblessed: “America is ready for a LEADER, not a pretender - a person of integrity and solid core values.”

I totally agree we need a leader like that. Because the one we have had for the past 8 years has not had one shred of integrity, and the only core value he has is MONEY!

Obama has both, McCain has neither.

nixxivicious: “ Total white guilt. I have more respect for people who are willing to admit that they would not vote for a black person than a person who would vote for Obama because of subconscious white guilt. Most people voting for Obama don’t have a reason for voting for him.”

Total BS. This is a completely disgusting comment. So you have more respect for racists than people who might not know much about Obama, but are willing to vote for him? That iosn’t even true. People are motivated by him, not supporting out of guilt.

I think you might have your white hood on a little too tight.

Answer #4

I think America in general is but I’ve seen a surprising number of people here in Mississippi who are not. They try to dress up their criticisms any way they can without actually telling the truth about it. We like to pretend that the days of the KKK have gone by down here but the truth is that we still need to work on the problem.

Answer #5

to be honest no its not too many racists out there who cant get over the fact that there is nothing wrong with any one just cause they dont look the same as them honestly I have no problem with it but too be honest he will probably be assasinated by some stupid redneck

Answer #6

yah why nOt… I already know Clinton is going to win because she’s Caucasian ,I agree if obama is the president he would get killed just like martin Luther king jr. Their Is a lot of racist outthere…I think America need a lil change[!]

Answer #7

“White men are confused because they don’t want to vote for a woman or a black man.”

Yeah, that’s it. Registered white male voters across America are scratching their heads wondering why they only get to choose between a woman and a black man in the Democratic primary.

The reality is, the white male working class demographic has shown enormous support for Obama in some primaries, and for Clinton in others. And polls tell us that some white male Republicans actually support Clinton and to a lesser extent, Obama, against McCain.

Most white men, like most voters in this country, really don’t care about the gender and race of the candidates, and I honestly believe that. If you’ve been paying attention at all to the primaries and seen the overwhelming support these candidates have been getting from all segments of society, you’d realize it too.

Answer #8

Sadly, that question shouldn’t even have to be asked. The question could just as easily be ‘Are we ready for a white woman for President?

I think that most black voters will vote for Obama a lot, but not all white women, will vote for Clinton White men are confused because they don’t want to vote for a woman or a black man.

I voted in the primary and my vote was for Obama, even though I know very little about him, he’s got to be better than Clinton and I never heard of the other guy on the ballot. He just came from out of no where. I would like for a woman to be president but not Clinton. (I like Bill though).

Answer #9

why not? if he’s good, why not? a woman is more emotional (wich is good) but if a black GOOD man, why not?!!!
do you love your husband/ boyfriend cause he’s white?!!! (you shouldn’t!!) cause love is love, good people are good people! no matter how they look! they are still good people! and women are good too! lol woman could make the country more fun! lol but I don’t really care about the colour of someone’s skin!!

Answer #10

I’ve heard a few older people admit that they could never vote for a black man for president. There is a certain percentage who would never vote for a black man. When JFK ran there was a certain percentage who would never vote for a Catholic. JFK managed to win in spite of anti-Catholic prejudice; Obama might be able to win as well.

The way things are going we might find out if America is ready for a black president next year.

Answer #11

We’re as ready as we’ll ever be.

Answer #12

Several African-Americans prominent in pop culture do not seem to think so. Rapper and urban philosopher 50 Cent said that Obama would probably be assassinated if elected, and comedian DL Hughley said that America would never vote a black man with the middle name of Hussein into office.

I can understand why they think these things, although I do disagree with them.

Answer #13

As long as he’s not a closet islamic extremist does it matter?

Answer #14

I dont see why not

Answer #15

Who cares, as long as the have a brain and walk on two legs, they can win.

Answer #16

There are heaps of racists out there, but if america knows what’s good for them, anything’s better than Bush.

Answer #17

I think America is ready but the time isn’t right – he’s not a Republican!

Answer #18

Well, it’s either that or a woman president. ( not that I have a problem with either ).

Answer #19

NO, we need a woman for president!!!

Answer #20

If not, why not? Surely there couldn’t be any GOOD reason why not?

Answer #21

America is ready for a LEADER, not a pretender - a person of integrity and solid core values.

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