What's your favorite animal?

what is you fav animal

Answer #1

I love all kinda of animals but 4 wild animals oi would have 2 go with…um polar bears or peguins (there so cute) and my all time fav wud be DOGS all the way

Answer #2

That’s a tough one…I LOVE dogs…I love horses…

Then there are all those critters in the wild…hmmm…

This question is too tough for me!


Answer #3

my ginnie pig

Answer #4

I love cats- I have a wee kitty myself, and I love watching how she communicates with me, and how her personality shines through.

I’ve always though squirrels were pretty awesome too- I spent a couple of weeks in Mountain View a few months back, and the squirrels were everywhere (Having no squirrels in New Zealand made this a huge novelty!). I went over to the park and shared Microwave popcorn with them- they didn’t get too close, but I thought it was waaay cool!

Answer #5

I love all animals but my fav animal in the world is my baby hes a devon rex (cat) his name is bil bo bagins!, an my other cat tinkerbell I love them 2 bits!!!

Answer #6

I really love dogs cats not that much.

but I have 2 pitts and there name is brownie and fudge.

Answer #7

My Cat

Answer #8

uhm… I love all animals but I love them dogs lol :)

Answer #9

dolphin and pig

Answer #10

mine is a HORSE!

Answer #11

all kinds

Answer #12

polar bear

Answer #13

I love dogs

Answer #14


Answer #15

erm. that is a really hard question. Mine is probably either giraffes or polar bears!!!

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