Being made fun of because of my punk rock style, what to do?

what do I do if all the people at school think I am emo and gothic and im not. im being made fun of because of my punk rock style. I am an individual and I feel like I have to be like them and dress like them to fit in. what do I do?

Answer #1

haha i added 2 much of the same thing

Answer #2

I love your style and am the same way. F*CK what people say, you are all that matters. plus I think your style is very unique and cute. let people make fun of you…they are just jelouse because you are prettier and dont follow any crowd. you are you.

Answer #3

also i fully agree wit gothisareligon4832 beat em up haha those little skrony preps!!! or ignore em but id beat em up ur choice!!! haha

Answer #4

also i fully agree wit gothisareligon4832 beat em up haha those little skrony preps!!! or ignore em but id beat em up ur choice!!! haha

Answer #5

also i fully agree wit gothisareligon4832 beat em up haha those little skrony preps!!! or ignore em but id beat em up ur choice!!! haha

Answer #6

You follow your style, dont change for anyone… if they have a problem with it then its their insecurities at the end of the day. the sad so and so’s lol xxx

Answer #7

also i fully agree wit gothisareligon4832 kick ther prepy asses!!! haha those little gay preps!!! or ignore but id kick ter assess ur choice!!! haha

Answer #8

also i fully agree wit gothisareligon4832 beat em up haha those little skrony preps!!! or ignore em but id beat em up ur choice!!! haha

Answer #9

also i fully agree wit gothisareligon4832 kick ther prepy asses!!! haha those little gay preps!!! or ignore but id kick ter assess ur choice!!! haha

Answer #10

also i fully agree wit gothisareligon4832 beat em up haha those little skrony preps!!! or ignore em but id beat em up ur choice!!! haha

Answer #11

same thing sweetie just ignore them cause your different and they just follow the crowd of chavs

ask me more if you want? Chemo Tink xx

Answer #12

Just be yourself , just be careful not to flaunt it just for reactions , because then your not being genuine – Don’t over do it , be natural

Answer #13

yeah happens to me all the time…but im the coolest kid in eighth grade. I aint lying. O_O im like an exetreme rocker chick, but I still have the record of being asked out the most times in a minute>>>45. stay cool. keep playing with your style and if they say s*. heres what you can say:

  1. Hey gay a**, dont you have your OWN life to get to? how bout you stop stalking me & get your own life? that is if you have one

  2. kick their a** >>>works for me

  3. is that a future employee of mine saying something about the boss? <<<always shuts them up ._.

stay cool kid, and tell them punk and rock is all the damn rage

Answer #14

Punk rock is about Effing the man, not giving a crap what people think. So, maybe you should actually reconsider your style and be whatever it is you feel comfortable being. Needing to feel like an individual but looking as strange as you can is more or less a symptom of youth. You’ll outgrow that.

Soon enough, you’ll be in the adult world, where you will quickly realize that no one gives a crap how individual you are. So you may as well just have fun, do what is comfortable for you and for the love of God–WHO CARES what other people think.

Answer #15

hey you sould be what you want to be who cares what they think you dont have to change your look to be a part of the crowd im emo/punk/stater some people called me names but i dont let them get to me its your way of life all of the people that think you dress punk rock n weird are not mature yet to uderstand so they can all go to hell

Answer #16

Tell them to bite ur butt bcuz u shouln’t care wat wimpy ugly people think it happens to me all the time they say stuff like omfg its a goth dont put a spell on me oh no! lol just ignore them or beat em up thats wat i do if they really get on my nerves so yea if they r preps then say omfg its a prep oh no they might sissy smack u ! lol that always gets em mad and they stomp off so good lucks!!

Answer #17

also i fully agree wit gothisareligon4832 beat em up haha those little skrony preps!!! or ignore em but id beat em up ur choice!!! haha

Answer #18

tell them that you like the way you r and they can kiss your as# if they don’t like it.

Answer #19

Dont change for no one, just be yourself. Tell them to f*ck off =]

Answer #20

ignore them they suck

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