Am I ugly? How do I stop being so insecure?

Yeah, I know this gets asked a lot, but I just want to know what you think. (sorry it’s blue). I think I’m the ugliest person in the world. My friends tell me different, but I don’t believe them. I’m REALLY insecure. I don’t know how to not be that way. How?

Answer #1

Honey, you are beautiful, don’t let any mother F’er tell you that you are not the beautiful person you are inside…and out. To have any kind of self esteem you have to believe to yourself that you are beautiful and quit relying on what other people think because the world is a very criticizing place and you were made the way that you are supposed to look and I can guarantee you there are plenty of people out there who love the way you look and wouldn’t change a thing, as for your personal preference on how you want to present youself is all up to you, you can make the necessary changes that you want to if you are determined enough to do it!! you are not ugly, I saw the pic and trust me hun you aren’t ugly k.

Answer #2


Answer #3

Its fine that you ask this and don’t be sorry just because this gets asked often. To be honest, everyone has something they dont like about themselves. and I know this is going to sound somewhat lame… but it helps if everyday when you wake up and look in the mirror, you do NOT concentrate on the negatives but more on the positives. If you could just look in the mirror every morning and name three things that are good about yourself. And I know how easy it is to feel like everyone around you is so gorgeous and you feel like you dont fit in. But thats not true, even the “popular” girls in school are insecure about some things. Some of us are just better at faking confidence than others:) Just try not to worry about what others might say, all that matters is what you think. Remember that your beautiful, and thats not changing. I hope this helps, good luck. Be confident! Once you believe that your beautiful, other will believe it too.

Answer #4

Your beautiful! Sit and stair at your self in the mirrior and start looking at the postive things ignore anything bad. I had issues and I have learned that no matter what people say positive or negative its how you see yourself that matters!

Answer #5

imyselfandme has said it all!! people can say what they want - it shouldn’t mean a thing to you…for me I honestly think you look like one of thoes intelligent, pretty looking girls that I’d find working at an office =P make yourself more confident by doing what imyselfandme has said - look into the mirror closly, and pick out the features that makes you, you!! as for your insecurity…maybe you’re going through a changing fase - pick out a new style of clothes or haircut… maybe you’re looking for a change!! -don’t change yourself… just change your image!! and have fun doing it!!! and disover the beauty in you =)

Answer #6

People can see people any way they want. Some people see another person as ugly, but another person can see them as gorgeous. It’s completely perspective. What you need to do is start looking at yourself in he mirror and seeing the little things about you that are pretty. Maybe the way your hair waves a little, or the curve of your upper lip. Focus on the good things. You don’t need anyone else to tell you your beautiful.

Answer #7

accecorize. and makeup. with the right outfit…you’ll surprise yourself :) play around

Answer #8

Please. You’re beautiful! And besides, it’s the inside that counts! Imyselfandme is ttly right.

Answer #9

sorry I beat you with the ugly competition!! ha ha you lost I am the uglyist person in the world and what are you looking at are you looking at my ugly? you should not look at ugly people my point is I didnt even look at your picture!! I just think your words are pure poetry and your body is an ocean with colorful fish and paridice and yoov got what it takes to move you forward! just change the no where to now here! you can make it with the rythems of your heart and it will guide you! follow your dreams and god bless!

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