do you still like akon even after he f-ing killed that girl?

do you still like akon even after he f-ing killed that girl?

Answer #1

Well usually they lie because online all over, it said nothing about killing her. All it says is that a 15 year old girl got into an adult club and he “violently dry humped her” and they said that is why they try keeping the young ones out.

Answer #2

And understand the fact he didn’t kill anyone. There was a 15 year old girl in an adult club where she should be and he “Violently dry humped her”. Look it up.

Answer #3

The only thing he really did maybe other than humping some girl is get charges against him for body slamming a fan off stage haha

Answer #4

What are you talking about? Akon didn’t kill anybody. Did you hear that crap from a friend or gossip site? If it’s so true, where did you hear it from and do they have proof? If you got it off a site, what is the site?

Answer #5

Dumb, you actually believe this?

Answer #6

he did kill a teenage girl when he went to a club.

Answer #7

hotazn thats racist

Answer #8

unless I’ve been living under a rock for quite some time, im sure he didnt kill anyone

Answer #9

Young white chick. just so damn ignorant sometime…

Answer #10

Ok, so where did you hear that from? Because last time I checked, it wasn’t in the news.

Answer #11

on the news it said he killed her tho

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