What is the U.S. doing to Afghanistan?

Literally, what are the soldiers doing to people there or how is this war being fought? Just bomb buildings or what?

Answer #1

The U.S. are “hunting” down Taliban. Most of time if an area of interest as been seen, the U.S. will use a predator missile. A predator missile is a drone with explosives on it, this drone drops on it’s target like a missile, and is controlled by a soldier with a computer. Also the soldiers are going out to the sites with armored humvees and A.P.C.’s and kill or capture anyone who survived the blast. Apache Helicopters have also been used in Afghanistan, and AC 130’s (planes which contain a 20mm chaingun, 50mm cannon and a 120 mm cannon) have also been seen.

Answer #2

They discharge bombs, shoot alerted enemies, and mess around out of boredom.

Answer #3

They’re fighting a non-ending battle. Apparently history was not something Bush was interested in. The Taliban have moved to Pakistan.

Answer #4

they are trying to build oil pipelines in the middle east. they are ter.rorists to us and we are ter.rorists to them.

Answer #5

Actually, it’s a 25mm Aden like whats on the Harriers, a 40mm BOFORS cannon(the flak gun from WWII, literally), and a 110mm howitzer.

Answer #6

Ahhh, thank you for clearing up that misunderstanding. I had a feeling something as wrong but couldn’t quite put my finger on it.

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