What is advice you would give to a high school student that you wish you experienced?

Like for example grades, behavior, sports. When i asked this to my cousin he said do very good on SATS lol.

Answer #1

Definitely work hard to get good grades so you can get into a good college. Be involved whether it be sports, clubs, or volunteer activities outside of school. Those kinds of things always look good on job applications and college applications. Enjoy all the time you have in high school! Go to football games, hang out with friends, and work hard. College is a very different world from high school and so is the world of work.

Answer #2

Not procrastinate so much on my work, it’s not worth all the stress! And keep your GPA as high as you can because it helps when applying to colleges and scholarships. Don’t follow whatever my friends are doing, be true to myself and work hard even if my friends are distracted. Keep playing sports, don’t quit! Be nice to EVERYONE and talk to EVERYONE… Gosh there’s so much I would do if I could go back in time :/

Answer #3

Treat school like a job. Show up on time, have good relationships with your teachers (but DON’T be a kiss a$$), turn in everything on time, work hard… :)

Answer #4

Before we part ways I would get a good mailing address so I’ll be able to keep in touch with many over the years..not lose contact..great to see later where our lives have taken us..maybe have cards printed up you can pass out last day..take plenty of pictures - people/places..because they’ll change over the years..as you go thru HS maybe keep a journal for you about friends/your impressions/fun time memories/take note of their birthdays/maybe hopes/dreams/career ambition/college major/interests,etc - realize it is one GREAT period in your life - have fun but stay safe (nothing stupid dangerous)..SMILE..I wish you the best !!

Answer #5

I hated high school, and left as soon as I turned 16. I wish wish wish I had stayed and given it a chance. It’s a huge regret of mine. Any advice I would give you is to stick it out until final year! Don’t worry about being ‘popular’, find friends with the same interests as you and you’ll have wayyy more fun than following around the popular kids hoping they’ll notice you. Get involved with atleast one extra-curricular activity where your usual friends aren’t involved eg a sports team, debating team, science club etc etc. It gives you an opportunity to mix with other students you wouldn’t usually mix with. Even if you don’t make any super close friends in that team/club you’ve always got that whole group as another group of friends to turn to when high school dramas take place. ACTUALLY STUDY! That’s a big one too- you don’t have to go nato but do your work, hand it in and strive to get good grades. When you have things to work towards to you’ll find you start to develop a genuine interest in the subject. Overall, have FUN! Smile, try not to get caught up in gossip (don’t pass rumours on), and remember high school can be whatever you make it.

Answer #6

I wish I had better grades and focused on school more. Each year my marks would get lower and my classes absent would rise haha. And surround yourself with friends too, I didn’t make too many friends at the school I was at and it made for a pretty boring 4 years

Answer #7

I’m a junior this year, but I definitely regret not taking high school as seriously as I should have my freshman and sophomore year. I never really understood the importance of having a high GPA, so I had to work my butt off this year to raise it. So, try and get good grades in all your classes. Take classes that you’re interested in, and that are right for you. I’m taking AP US this year, which was a HUGE mistake since I hate history and the class is hard as hell haha. I mean, I’m passing it, but barely. I wish I would have taken AP Psych instead, so my advice is to just make sure you know what you’re in for; don’t take a certain class just because everyone else seems to be taking it. As for the social aspect of high school, definitely cherish all your close friends. I think having good friends makes high school seem a lot less sh!tty haha. Playing sports is a good idea, too. It’s a great way to meet people and make new friends.

Answer #8

Join at least one sport. Helps you keep in shape and build some friendships. I didn’t do anything in high school and it sucked.

But most importantly, work on those grades. Because adults aren’t just saying it when we tell teenagers about how it really DOES NOT matter how bada** you think you are in grade school through high school. When you really get out there, it’s all about who has the best career. Start working on that.

Answer #9

Work as hard as you can, and prioritize your life. . .

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