Think abortion is okay if the baby puts the mother in danger?

I was wondering…do you think abortion is okay if the baby puts the mother in danger?

Answer #1

An abortion is up to the pregnant mother no one else. I am not for it but if its a young person like 12 or so then yeah its better hten having a baby. But ihave two kids and one on way and I look at abortion different now.! If hte mother was raped, or anything then yeah abortion is fine!

Answer #2

the circumstance of a baby risking the life of the mother is unbelievably rare. like sillygirl said tho, it’s somthing you may not want to pass judgement on until you are in that situation. I don’t agree with abortion, but…

Answer #3

Yes everyone, I realize its THE MOTHERS CHOICE but im trying to see WHAT YOU THINK.

wow. I thought people could read and understand questions.

mleh. ^_^ oh well. thanks anyway.

Answer #4

thats what I said. If theres no life in danger or anything. then it should be down to both parents to decide.

they made the thing in the first place.

I also guess it depends on how life threatening the problem is. if its “giving birth might kill her because the babys going to be huge and the mothers scared” then no she should just relax and have some more doctor prescribed drugs

Answer #5

I … hmmm.

for me it would be a very hard choice. I don’t like abortion, but I believe there are a few instances when (for me) it would be permitable…if I could allow myself to go through with it.

I think it would be hard for ANY woman to make that choice because, for one thing, a mother’s will to protect her child is HUGE. secondly, it gets harder to part with your baby the longer it has been growing inside of you. every day…it would get harder.

I think it’s a choice that no one can really make until they’re in that situation.

Answer #6

That depends on whether or not the mother WANTS the abortion… its HER choice…

Answer #7

…ummm…that IS what I think…

Answer #8

It’s not whether I think it’s OK. The choice should be the MOTHER’S.

Answer #9

That IS what we think… its HER CHOICE.

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