Which is better - Abercrombie or Aeropostale?

which should I buy? and which one is better? do you think they are overpriced?

Answer #1

both are awesome! but I would go with aeropostale. they have better prices and personally I think they have cuter clothes! :)

Answer #2

My opinion/observation based on having a 14 and 20 year old daughters…Aeropostle seems to be for the junior teens like my 14 year old (although she does like Abercrombie too) and Abercrombie seems to be more for the older teens young adults (who usually are not shopping at Aeropostle)…hope this helps. One thing great about thrift stores is you can get both of those brands and many more and for a lot less money, after all vintage is in too!

Answer #3

uhh… abercrombie’s wayyy 2 over priced! like 50$ bucks for a f_ckin shirt but their clothing’s nice and cool aero’s cheap and nice and cool I suggest aeropostale

Answer #4

Both clothing companies sport excellent style and clothing construction in what they sell. In fact, Aeropostale is having a sale currently with as much as 50 per cent off on some of their clothing wear.

I should think that if you, yourself, did not think that either were overpriced, then you would not have asked.

Yes, they are both “trendy” and “up-priced” clothing lines. However, you have to evaluate your personal “needs” first in your current lifestyle and use that to determine if they are to expensive for you or not.

“Why” would you choose either? It is to make you feel more trendy or important than others around you? Are you trying to impress anyone? Do you simply prefer better clothing in your taste of clothes? Do you need clothes as such to keep up with peers, friends, job or school associates? Do both of the clothing lines seem to simply “fit” you better than other lines? Are they a line of clothing that you feel is designed close to how you feel about yourself and how you wish to represent yourself to the rest of the world … or would lesser quality clothing lines from a simple department store do just as nicely based on other criteria?

Aside from any social pressures, clothing is usually a combination of either, or both, of two things: An extension of your own personality and how you fee about yourself. …and what you can logically afford.

As for myself, if I were to simply run into you on the street and meet you for the first time, I should think that I would be more likely to focus on your personality and your level of intelligence as opposed to what make of clothing you were wearing. If the clothing you are wearing is outside of the means of your financial budget, then you are not living within your means and I would “not” consider that to be a very intelligent decision overall. That would be like a lot of the millions of people in the world today who try and live outside their means and ending up crashing financially because they “can’t make it”. In a situation like that, you would have dressed yourself up real pretty, only to end up throwing yourself in the dirt.


Answer #5

I love aeropostale!!! Abercrombie is way to expensive! I’m a guy and finds that aero has better chlothes. Everyone wears aero in my grade. I don’t think aero is for younger kids.

Answer #6


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