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What are the 7 deadly sins plus definition please?
Why dont you just get a Bible?
why don’t u just read me whats in the bible, how about that?
They are: pride, greed, lust, anger, gluttony, envy, and sloth….also known as the Capital Vices or Cardinal Sins……
For definitions you can ck wikipedia…….
You have two eyes
7 was a good movie :D its about the seven deadly sins and its a serial killer movie. u should watch it. it has brad pitt in it :P
The seven deadly sins are:
- Pride: arrogance; excessively high opinion of oneself 2.Greed (Avarice): immoderate desire for earthly goods; love of money or possessions rather than loving God and others
- Envy: jealousy over another person’s possessions or characteristics
- Anger (Wrath): intemperate desire for revenge; hostile and wrathful feelings towards others
- Lust: inordinate, unrestrained craving for pleasure, especially sexual pleasure
- Gluttony: unrestrained, immoderate consumption of food or drink 7.Sloth: laziness in keeping faith or practicing virtue; neglecting to do one’s duties out of lethargy
Source: My catholic textbook and previously got a test on this! :)
yeah i also have 2 hands and 2 legs?
ohhhh burn.. lmao no offense Tainted Angel but jenndue wanted to look in a bible she would have. thats why she posted on this site cuz we’re supposed to answer questions and she’s too busy/lazy
My god…. I have 6 of the 7….. ALL 7 IF ITS A DAY OFF FROM THE GYM
thanks lol i am lazy.. thats true, i mean if no one wants to answer than dont..considering its a public site..i wanted to ask rather search it..
Honestly the 7 deadly sins arent really listed in the bible. They are kind of listed as things God hates in proverbs and some in Matthews gospel (chap 5-7) and some just throughout the bible… Not really a simple list as we know it. They were identified by the Catholic pope
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