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Nothing. You’re not even done growing yet.
It will happen naturally…give it time….
Have a little patience - you have not finished growing just yet.
However, padded and push-up bras are a good idea. :)
Theres alot of guys from what ive found that seem to like smaller boobs. Of course, there are the ones who like big boobs but not as many as u think, so unless u already have a guy an thats what he likes, relax. Parade those little pancakes around like ur loaded, cuz confidence is what will get the guys.
Geez what’s the hurry? Give it time and it’ll grow. Besides, when you have small boobs give you the ability to bind em’ in extreme situations.
Bake…make bread….is the old English wives tale….Years ago Bakers wifes were known to have big breasts because of kneading the doe for the bread making.
even tho…there is nothing wrong with small breasts…some guys like em,some dont…..different strokes for different folks…Please do not think all guys like em big coz a few mates agree with me that small is good.
umm well if you have chickhen breast like try to exercise that area and it will increase yr other choice is to leave it let it grow natrually
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