Is it normal for my boyfriend to be unhappy with my past? (read more)

My boyfriend is very unhappy with what happened between me and my last boyfriend. he also insists that no other boyfriend would be like that, but i feel like other boyfriends have felt that way.

Answer #1

No other boyfriend would be like what?

It’s fine to be a little bothered by a person’s past, I’m sure plenty people do feel a moment’s insecurity knowing a person’s past. But they should know what’s in the past is in the past.

Answer #2

Just tell him that’s in the Past and I’m only looking Forward now……

Answer #3

The past is the past. Talk to him, and ask him why he feels there is something wrong.

Answer #4

Yes its common . He might react in odd way to you because he might be possesive or he might feel that the same thing could happen to him someday . Better talk with him and make him to realise that nothing is therer to worry with you…

Answer #5

It depends on the extent. For example, an ex relationship of mine constantly focused on the past. Which was not healthy, for the simple fact that you did not know him so you couldn’t have acted differently or have chose not to do whatever it is that bothers him. However, in my current relationship I do get a bit jealous if i hear about something in my boyfriends past but I remember I have him now. Thats that. He met you with that past, nothing has changed. -good luck-

Answer #6

Yes It Is,Especially If Its With Guys..He’s Probably Bothered By What Other People Are Going To Say.

Answer #7

niky’s right

Answer #8

For me i wouldn’t be unhappy with your girlfriends past,it’s in the past your in the present excited for the future and if he doesn’t see that then it’s his loss!Xx

Answer #9

As everyone else is saying, the past is the past. If he’s unhappy with it, then he doesn’t care about you much.. Your past shapes and molds the person you are today, and if he can accept that, he might not be worth your time. Just explain to him that The past is the past, and he’s probably also done some regrettable things in HIS past as well. Don’t use it against him, just remind him that everyone makes mistakes and goes through rough patches.

Answer #10

it depends on what happend. if he loves you then he should love you for who you are now, and not back then ( or if it wasnt your fault) if he is so botherd he wouldnt be with you now. im going through the same with my fionce about the past although it was not my request and couldnt do anythink about it . he is staring to be a bit more at ease now but very boyfriend will be surprised or shocked about the past no matter what it was. i think he might be starting to fall for you more and he is abit jealouse.

Answer #11

did he ask you about your past or did you just tell him about it? if he asked then he has no right to be unhappy. he was an idiot for asking. EVERYONE has a past. if you just old him..well you are reaping your rewards.

Answer #12

I have this problem with my girlfriend. Yes, it is normal. We’ve been together almost two years now, and I dont think its ever going to quit haunting me. But so long as he knows the past is behind you, and the only thing that he can see in the future is both of ya’ll, then your set. I suppose it would depend on how serious you are, but if its really serious, then he should believe you when you say the past is crap, and so long as ya’ll worry about NOW, then the future is going to be great. Hope everything works out:)

Answer #13

Well my boy friend gets mad anytime I mention my past with other people because he’s crazy jealous. So maybe that’s it. If that’s the case, he just really cares about you but if it’s bothering you, you should talk it out with him and show him that if he wants you, he needs to accept it all because it’s made you who you are.

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