Your characteristic

What do you like most about yourself?

Answer #1

Im Just ♥Me♥


Im a very happy person

I defend my opinion at all times

I dont care if I get hurt while helpping someone else

I find a way everyday to renew myself yet I always stay true to myself

&& that I dont copy anyone im just myself at all times

&& My Boobs!

Answer #2

my smile.. its the most unique thing about me… because my teeth arent perfect… but its still like the perfect smile…

Answer #3

My laugh… a mix of the sound of a zebra, gerbil, dog being ran over, horse choking on it’s own fluid… etc. People aren’t that nice about iot but I still love it. :) Britz

Answer #4

my laugh, it’s really dorky. but I like it. haha

Answer #5

Okay, people are in love with their boobs. Lol.

Answer #6

My boobies.

Answer #7

my teeth. I have really great teeth but I don’t get many commments on them. Why?

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