Should I punch her?

she pulled out ma weave in the hallway but I didnt do nuthin because I had to run to go fix it… but not that many people saw tho. then I confronted her and she got into trouble but not the kind of trouble she shoulda got…so should I sock her in da face or forget about it?

please help me quickly because im bouta sock diz girl

Answer #1

lol sexy_kiitty333 is right imma sock her in da face because itz the last day of school I cant get suspended. so I got nothin 2 loose :)

Answer #2

wait wait wait, I ddnt read it carefully. not that many people saw; dont do nothing to her. and if your gunna do anythng just make her feel a lil afraid; but thats all!! lol but dont get to carried away.

Answer #3

No! Don’t do that, handle the situation more lovely than she did. She sounds so angry and can’t manage herself, you don’t want to look like that do you? If I were you I’d just hold my head up and walk on elegantly, as if it didn’t bother me. People like that shouldn’t be worth your time or energy. Good luck!

Answer #4

forget about it hun ^ ^ if you do nothing about it you can prevent getting suspended from school or into a lot more trouble. its only a weave (no offence) and it can be replaced be the bigger person. confront her and ask her why she would do something like that. there has to be a reason behind it especially if it was on purpose… hope I helped and need further advice funmail me ~kaitlyn~

Answer #5

hell yea you knock a B*h out fo’ doin that

Answer #6

yea I say like you just forgive her and move on about it like thats what a good christian would do

Answer #7

Forget about it, you’ll just get suspended or something.

Answer #8

Leave it alone. If you retaliate, she will too. Don’t start a war. You aren’t perfect either, right?

Answer #9

pimp slap that whoe!! lol but not in school.

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