How come when I write a new FunMail it NEVER sends?

Answer #1

It was the same problem with me. You must be mot write the title.

Answer #2

You require 50 points to have FunMail privileges.

Answer #3

are you giving it a subject?

Answer #4


Answer #5

Really? I know that when I first signed up (not too long ago) I could send Funmails. I still can (I believe) and I only have 42 points. Is this rule new?

Answer #6

Yea! Thats what I meant! o.e

Answer #7

I have 46, I still funmail

Answer #8

I have 27!

Answer #9

Hahaha nice

Answer #10

i still funmail when i had 25 points, you might be funmailing a person who is not following you … you can only funmail a person who follows you

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