Would you still be friends with her?

Ok…this is what my ex-bestfriend did to me, She stopped haggin out with because of her new”friends” She started talking about me behind my back, she would tell everyone Everything we use to talk about,everytime I walked by or asked her a question she Would roll her eyes at me, she just did awful things to me,that I dont trust anybodyanymore,I’m afraid to be friends with other people. Anyways now she’s coming back to and asking me if I want to go to Movies with her, she wants us to be bestfriends again but I dont and never will trust her again because she hurted me badly,but My question is would you still be friend with a person like that???

Answer #1

I dont belive in holding grudges firgive but dont forget!!! you can be her ‘’friend” but I wouldnt tell her my secrets she maybe triying to use you but as abraham linclon once said I defeat my enemies when I make them my friends …get it good luck v

Answer #2

Not, you should go and meet other people and stay away from her she’s not a REALLY good “friend” for you. :-)
Good Luck…

Answer #3

I agree with all the others… If she was a TRUE friend to you she would have NEVER treated you like that in the first place. I would tell her she could trot her happy tail on back to her so called new friends and you can find other’s.

Answer #4

na, you should never be friends with someone you can’t trust. the ones you keep closest to you can screw you the worst. She probably realised her new friends are as fake as she is

Answer #5

no I wouldn’t. the way it sounds she has treated you is awful and disrespectful. In a way her wanting to be best friends with you sounds a bit odd bcoz she has been horrible to you and thena ll of a sudden wants to be your best friend again. Maybe she hasnt got an intention of being your friend again but to try to get more info out of you or embarass you or something. but my advice is please be careful what ever you do.

good luck x

Answer #6

Wow. She has some nerve!! She sounds like a user. You’re lucky to find out now what she is capable of. Good for you.

Answer #7

no, I would just stay away from her. I have TOTALLY been there. a couple years ago my best friend did that stuff to me, I just ignored her and found some new people to chill with, make sure youre with the right crowd though. it just means she isnt a real friend, she is manipulating and using you, I am sorry you are going through this like I did. we can be friends, we’ve both been through it, talk to me sometime! and if you really want TRUE friends who will always be there for you, go to lifespace.cc I have a profile too, my username on there is alexis, goodluck!

Answer #8

NO, DONT BE FRIENDS WITH HER. she is only USING you Because she probably had no1 to hang with that night. DONT DO IT.

Answer #9

nope…she left you for other people she is not your friend

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