Would you puke a lot if you were paid

I am looking for women to do gross out videos like that but a lot of girls seem to be scared to puke. Is there anyone who isnt.

Answer #1

Depends, how much are we talking about?

Answer #2

Haha like on youtube when they paid this dude like $500 to drink 4 bottles of ipecac? Oh, gosh, I’ve never laughed sooo hard! I’m not afraid to throw up, I just hate it when it happens, but when it’s done it’s done you know. It would depend on how much I had to throw up and how much I got paid.

Answer #3

LOL thats great to see wut people say they think they know BUT THEY HAvE NO IDEA

Answer #4

puking is gross. when I am sick, I try everything I can to not puke. why puking videos?

Answer #5

Sorry you have to be over the age of 18 because I want to be sure participants are making mature decisions.

Answer #6

NO I am not trying to do a 2girls1cup thing. That is nasty. Its funny seeing everyones reactions. Just trying to make a video with grossout effects.

Answer #7

that is SO nasty ru trying to recreate that 2girls 1cup thing I dont know how anybody could ever do that there is really something mentally wrong with people that enjoy that NEVER not even for 100million$ would I EVER do that and I dont think your gunna find anybody like that unless there is seriously something mentally wrong with them GOOD LUCK

Answer #8

LOL thats great to see wut people say they think they know BUT THEY HAvE NO IDEA

Answer #9

go ask a bulimic chick, : )

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