What is worse, too much sugar, or too much salt?

Answer #1

I believe salt is the worse one. Salt causes you to get high blood pressure. Hope this helps.

Answer #2

I really just don’t like sweet food overall, so I’d rather have the salt. Never really liked candy haha..

Answer #3

Too much salt .

Answer #4

Too much salt. There is even some states like New York that are discussing about controlling the amount of salt in restaurants just like they banned trans fats. I say that after trans fat salt is the next silent killer because it gives you high blood pressure just like the Brittany said. The max amount of sodium per day is 2300mg that is just one teaspoon!. Most people do not realize that if they are not very strict with what they eat, they take like twice or sometimes triple the amount daily. Your typical fast food burger meal has about 1000 to 1800MG 0f sodium and that is just one meal. Sugar is just empty calories and will give you a crash later that will make you crave more sugar and the danger is if a person is already obese their pancreas stops working properly and you get type 2 diabetes.

Answer #5

I’d say they’re equally not good, but it depends on which nutritionist you might be talking to…the salt people or the sugar people. They’ve been pretty wishy washy on salt in my life time….10 years it’s VERY bad for you, then they switch and say…”well, maybe it’s not THAT bad”….so who knows. If your food tastes like brine then I’d say it’s too much…and if your fave dessert makes other people teeth ache, it’s too sweet :)……Moderation is the key, like it is with most everything.

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