What does everybody think about abortion

What does everybody think about abortion

Answer #1

pro choice completely. but only up to 20 weeks, thats just sick past that. its not murder! aborted fetuses are not viable therefore not alive so they cant be murdered.

Answer #2

I think abortion is wrong even if you get raped I think you could keep the baby,you could always give it up for adoption if you cant care for it but thats my advice!

Answer #3

I hate it. You’re killing a beautiful living human being for your OWN stupid mistakes. It’s not the baby’s fault it’s yours. I totally think abortion should be against the law but only one exeption- if a girl gets raped and got pregnant by the rapist I tink they have an exeption to get a abortion. I as raped at age 9 so Ik how it feels:(

Answer #4

Well I can’t exaclty tell you what I think becasue I’ll probably contradict myself left and right over the debate However this was my answer to an earlier post about a girl who was pregnant and planned on a abortion but didnt have the money…

“I’m in your situation [only I’m 18] and I completely understand, dont listen to half of these a$$hol3s who are just judging you on only this post… Their not in OUR situation and they don’t care as much as they think they do just becuase their worried about the baby’s life However they don’t understand YOUR LIFE effects that baby’s life, and if you can’t provide a fulfilling life then you must search for other options no matter who agrees.

Even make it up to God later in life when you can provide and happy, full, stable life for a beautiful baby then have one within a marriage of course And do your very best to care and love it even give it twice the love and care that you never have the chance to give this child.

Personally I don’t have the heart for adoption, I’m even afraid I’m already getting attached :[

This is also very depressing for me to where I don’t want to leave my bed on some days, if I don’t have my abortion and this is how the next 8 months will go I will end my own life along with the child, that may sound f**ked up, but its the truth.

ANYWAYY > > > I just found this out myself so here I am passing the info… There are clinics out there that will work with you and help you, payment plans, financial aid, etc.. Try talking to a counslour at a Free clinic or Planned Parenthood if theres one in your area.

Good luck sweetheart”

Answer #5

it is up to the individual woman to decide what is right for her. I think all women should have the right to choose. I’m pregnant and keeping it. I had an abortion when I was 16, after being raped. I think too many women use abortion as a method of birth control. but I think that young girls who make a mistake, or are raped should have the option. also if a women is using drugs or drinking alcohol, that baby could have serious problems and if the woman has an abortion maybe thats better than a child that could have problems big-time in life and possibly be neglected or abused in life.

Answer #6

I think that it is a very individual view… I do not feel against it… it is up to the parents… somtimes it is necessary… sometimes it is in the best interests in the child… I don’t like people forcing their opinions of it onto people…

its a very individual view… and its the parents choice… I do not consider it murder… However… I am more against the idea when it is the late stages of pregnancy… because by that point the baby will have developed the ability to feel pain… I think that if you are considering abortion… you should take action as soon as possible…

But I don’t care what people to do… in my opinion… its completely up to them…

Answer #7

Oh and btw punkmummy I’m soo srry that happened to you Ik how you feel

Answer #8

I dislike that Crap:) I have a baby:)

Answer #9

I dont like it. Your bascially killing a baby.

Answer #10

I dont agree with it what so ever. its wrong.. ITS MURDER for crying out loud.

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