Why wont the President of United States let all Mexicans jump over to U.S and let all of us live happily ever after?

Answer #1

Why let them come over here?

Answer #2

why not?

Answer #3

It’s a great idea in theory. Let’s just all be free and live where we want to live- I’d love it. But there needs to be rules and boarders otherwise areas will become overpopulated and cause citizens to loose their jobs and the economy will fluctuate. Imagine if all of a sudden your city had an extra 100,000 people- all with no jobs and hungry families to feed. All of a sudden the rates would have to go up and I can tell you now nobody would be happy.

Answer #4

as if the united states isn’t already over-populated…

Answer #5

Everyone is welcome to file their paperwork in their home country and wait their turn to come to the US. Part of being a citizen (anywhere) is being observant of the laws of the land. Living here illegally, working under the table and not paying taxes does not contribute to our economy, especially when that money is being sent back to the home country of that particular individual. Anyone who wants to come here legally is more than welcome, but as someone else stated, a gigantic influx of people would drastically effect our economy and the work force. Too many people at one time, with not enough jobs to go around.

Answer #6

Exactly :P

Answer #7

hey better yet, why dont all the americans just jump over to mexico and see how they like it..

Answer #8

The U.S. President isn’t the only one who controls the country’s immigration policy.

Answer #9

Not really. The United States is about 3.9 million square miles with a population of about 300 million people. China is slightly smaller with 3.6 million square miles and 1.3 billion people. India is less than 1/3 the size of the US at 1.1 million square miles but has more than 3 times as many people at over 1 billion.

Answer #10

I think America has too many people already lol

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