How do you win back your boyfriend if you are on a break?

Answer #1

show him that you really love him…and that break was all you needed but then again you have to think about why yall went on a break in the first and try to fix your problems before yall try to get back toghter

Answer #2

I think its all about balance. Try and figure out why your on a break and what ever you do, dont panic about it. A lot of guys go on breaks because they feel like they need space, if this is the case try and find the balance between giving him the room to miss you while still letting him know you miss him. And be totally honest with him, some guys hate it, but if a guy wont listen to you when your trying to be honest then hes not worth it :)

Answer #3

honestly, if your on a break, ACTUALLY take a break from each other! that means nooooooo texting, talking on the phone,ect! you have to look at all the factors of why your in a break. and ONCE you start talking again, you HAVE to talk everything, every factor out with him. then if you decide to get back to together, make a pact to put the PAST in the past, otherwise it will not work out.

Answer #4

show him that you love him by your reaction.i agree with ellieroxtoxic that boyz take break so they can get some space.i alwayz followed my ex in her breaks.but i didnt earn her love as i exepted.but right after i learned to be a person to remember ,every thing changed.ex an my life.oh i remember these days,any way make your progres slowly and intimate and enjoyable at the same you will be ooookaaaaay. thanks

Answer #5

thanks :)

Answer #6

I don’t know how well that is gunna work… I havnt gone without talking to him for a day for over a year but I’ll try :( and thanks :]

Answer #7

thanks :] this helped a lot. I’ll try

Answer #8

ok thanks :)

Answer #9

depends on what the break is about, if it’s your fault, then do somthing to prove your love, if it’s his fault, screw him, you’re better then that.

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