Why is wiccan considered a cult?

Ok…I’m wiccan and at my school we’re doing a I-Search project. The Question I’m doing is..”Why is wiccan considered a cult?” If there is anyone that is willing to let me interview them or anyone that can help in giving me information to answer my question would be greatly appreicated.

doing an interview is 15% of the grade in the I-search

Answer #1

wicca was made POPULAR or brought out of the closet by gerald gardner, not invented by him.

Answer #2

Wait a minute. Wicca is NOT older than Christianity.

Some forms of Witchcraft are, but WICCA was invented in the 1950’s by a man named Gerald Gardner.

Answer #3

Agreed with Jaz, all accept one thing Wicca & Witch are the same thing, even the same word believe it or not. Wicca was originally pronounced Witcha, “cc” =ch(Witche for females). Over time the e & a were dropedd & it was just witch, a slang word for the word. When Crowley “revived” it he spelt it Wica dropping the ch pronunciation & giving birth to the new was of saing it, Wika, which is actually wrong.

& nicely said mexxy 1_~

If you like you can feel free to interview me My e-mail/AIM is Hexadiecamel@AOL.com I also have a yahoo’s account(same name)

Answer #4

All religions are cults..

Answer #5

lots of people just say that it is a cult because they are misinformed. I am a wiccan and I was recently in a religious argument with someone who thought it was a cult. it is thought that wicca is the same thing as satanism however this is most definatly not the case.

p.s. a cult means “a newly founded religion” wicca is older than christianity so compared to wicca catholicism is a cult!

Answer #6

every religion CAN be considered a cult. look up the word cult in the dictionary…o.O but no just because someone has a certain belief doesnt mean they are in a CULT…like…omg you’re a priest?!?! CULT LEADER!! o.O

Answer #7

I wouldnt consider it a cult its relatively harmless providing the people doing it know that it has nothing to do with whitcraft or satan, ect and providing that the people who talk about it know that too as far as im concerned, chrsitainity has a lot of horrible, sickening cults and there are even vampire cults were silly kids cut themselves and drink each otheres blood chrsitianity has a lot of cults I havent heard of any wicca ones wicca is relatively harmless if the people doing it know what it actually stands for

Answer #8

First of all, the religion is not called “Wiccan,” it’s called “Wicca.” Second…who the hell considers it a cult?

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