To be or not to be Wiccan?

I am considering to become, if you will, Wiccan. I heard that they don’t follow Satan, and they base their spells off of Mother Nature. Are any REAL Wiccans out there that want to tell me more about this practice?

Answer #1

Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life!! Satan controls everything about being a wiccan. Dont do it! God Bless you John 3:16

Answer #2

I know it isn’t a game. I would take this very seriously, too. I think I am mature for my age.

Answer #3

satan is an illusion developed by christians to keep people from straying out of the fold.

as a wiccan I do not follow christ- he is a fictional being, just like the devil. but hey to each his own- those who choose to follow what someone else tells them to believe , hey knock yourself out.

CHRISTIANITY symbolizes all negativity in this world- I.e.- the spanish inquisition, the crusades, the salem witch trials, the mistreatment of the native americans, the mistreatment of the central american natives. the list goes on and on. christianity prizes ignorance , obedience, and money above all else- the proof is all around us.

Answer #4

I LOVE your answer, baldwinwolf!!!

Answer #5

Choose positive influences for your life.

Answer #6

“Choose positive influences for your life”

That just what I did when I stepped away from Christianity & into WitchCraft.

Answer #7

“So by worshiping a lesser being it can do things for you. One of the problems I have with Wiccan” What? What lesser being?

Answer #8

eat me to it bawldwold 1_~

If you wish to be informed further, feel free to contact me.

Answer #9

So by worshiping a lesser being it can do things for you. One of the problems I have with Wiccan.

Answer #10

Thanks to all of your advice.

Answer #11

the truly “positive” influences I have found have come since I have become wiccan. it is true that it is not something to be trifled with- but it truly is not something to fear either (in my opinion). I gather my strength and knowledge from nature- learn more about the natural forces around me, and learn to use that knowledge for protection and well being. I was where you are , and I began purchasing books on the subject- HERBOLOGY, CRYSTALS and the wiccan belief in general- my interest in the subject was from the “trying to explain why I was able to do certain things” perspective, more than the ‘curiousity” side of it. I do not belong to a coven- I am a solitary, which means that I have a bit more freedom to discover things on my own.

wicca is not evil- and I have had a lot of positive experiences- and when it comes right down to it- it makes much more sense to me than any “organized religion” ever did- with NO lies and hypocricy involved. plus I don’t have SOMEONES hands reaching into my wallet.

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