Why no outrage ?

Just read: Rampaging Muslims have killed 10 Christians, injured 61 others, destroyed nine churches and displaced more than 500 people in northern Nigeria, according to eyewitnesses – all because Muslim high school students claimed a Christian student had drawn a cartoon of Islam’s prophet, Muhammad, on the wall of the school’s mosque - over a CARTOON ! - Why no outrage ? - Would there be any if it were the other way around ?

Answer #1

10/10/07 The manager of a Christian bookstore in the Gaza Strip who was found dead last weekend was first publicly beaten and tortured by Islamic gunmen accusing him of spreading Christianity, according to witnesses and Palestinian security officials.

Answer #2

1.It was the Christian who started the entie thing by drawing that silly cartoon.awen123 shows ‘generousity’in forgiving us.However,he forgot one thin:Oh,we forgive you too,for making that cartoon. 2.Its the Muslims fault,too,for reacting in such a manner.

          Both sides are at fault,so no need for forgiveness,awen123.
Answer #3

There’s no outrage because Muslims and Christians have been killing each other (and sometimes themselves) since the dawn of time.

That’s why this is no news.

Answer #4

Well, thats religion for you!
Maaaybeee everyones just too bloody sick of your stooopid squabbles to be bothered anymore!

  • go kill each other and good flippin’ riddance!
Answer #5

we should be angry,but we still have to forgive them no matter what they do to us Christians!!!

Answer #6

Yeah, and the Muslims will have to kill ALOT more people,

Answer #7

No outrage? Probably because this world is so insensed with all the violence we see on t.v. our personalities have become numb to the site of humans killing each other. Stupidly and Senselessly. These types of traumatic and pointless attacks on one another are only going to become worse. Unless people learn to come to the table and discuss things in a mature and sensible way, only then will the slaughter of the innocents end.

Answer #8

Jesus said , “ look beneath the surface so you can judge correctly.” Thats because Jesus personally experienced the pain of rejection; even His “own people … didn’t want Him” (jn 1:11 TM). James askes, “How can you claim faith in… Christ if you favor some people over others… give special attention… to the rich… but say to the poor…’stand…there, or…sit on the floor’… discrimination show[s]…your judgements are guidedby evil motives…Hasn’t God chosen the poor…rich in faith…[as] the ones who will inherit the kingdom he promised to those who love Him? If you favor some people over others, you are committing sin”(jas 2:1-9 NLT). Yes, discrimination is a “sin!” William Cowper said, “Our thoughts are unseen hands shaping the people we meet. Whatever we think them to be is what they will become for us.” So, what do you think when you meet people who aren’t just like you?

Answer #9

No Outrage..well now what would another outrage do? Mostly No good think about it another out rage could just lead to more pointless killing..and I think that you fail to reliaze the the Christians took some part in this too the should have respected the Muslims I am not saying that it makes it right to kill some one because it does not but had they respected the Muslims it would have mostly helped them stay alive…may be not though I don’t the full situation my self.

Then just think some one Kills some one everyday so it is old news sad but old new..if you are Christian then you know that they are absent from the body and present with the Lord. rejoy in that and what Christ has done and know that it is the sin with in us that leads us to do suck things remember Romans chapter Seven.

Don’t worry about it though there is nothing you could do and can do now…God is in Control..

Answer #10

its just because muslims respect their prophet and so other religions and messengers no muslim would say something bad about jesus cause they believe in him offcourse in a different way but they do these cartoons are so bad we must respect religions more than that its from god iam not saying that iam with violence on contrary i believe that violence won’t solve our proplems but also we must see the other point of view not all the muslims are terrorists its just the media that gives this message cause they don’t show the good things all nations and even religions have bad and good and iam sick of hearing every day about muslims did and muslims said why don’t we hear about muslim’s children in palestine defending their souls and lifes with stones against guns sorry for the long answer wish you love and peace

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