Why is everything so difficult?

Why can’t everyone just fit in?

Answer #1

Well, I think that people are often supported in harrassment hen they are in big groups, because this gives the feeling “everone is doing it” and I guess that’s a way for them to fit in, and In online games especially, because they won’t be caught doing it. In society, the reason sometimes we don’t fit in is because we are trying to be a good person, standing of for injustices, and when suddenly, a guy comes along that’s different, and teasing everyone, everyone else who isn’t getting teased at the time, finds it funny.

  • Have you ever heard somone say, this or this happens because people are stupid? Well if everyone says that everyone else is being stupid, who else is there to be stupid? Why it’s the people ofcourse! At that certain time, like a foot-ball game, theymay be saying something like “I can’t hear the announcer because EVERYONE is being loud” Well, in reality this may not be the case, but it may be only a few people talking, I got off the subject by a little bit to show the point of the thought that everyone else is doing somone.
  • The reason people may not fit in is because of their nationality, sometimes it is hard to accept somone as a community member because they are black, or brownish skin, or have a dis-ability. Did handicap people ask for this tradgedy to happen to them? Ofcourse not, but they probebly made fun of other people, and now they get made fun of all the time, and know how bad it feels. -phil2611
Answer #2

It’s not all about fitting in and moulding yourself into the crazy expectations of society. It’s about being unique and living life as YOU want to, doing what YOU think will make you proud the day you die. Life is going to be difficult, regardless of what you say or do and it’s only now that I’m starting to reconcile that. I’m s person who loves a challenge. I’d rather actually earn things as opposed to having them just thrown at me. The fact that you’re asking this question tells me that you’re very young and still trying to find yourself, I can sympathize that, because I’m still like that to a degree, but things are clearing up. You need to go into your bedroom, shut off the light and do some serious periodical self-assessment. I can’t tell you what to look for, but take everything into consideration and think about the person you really want to be………

Answer #3

Hey there. I don’t know why life is so difficult or why no one can just fit in hell,i know i don’t fit in!! but if you are ever glum remember I’m here for you!! I love you Alex!

from your demented,freak-ish,loveable firend, michaela a.k.a lil Mc [hahaha your dad gave me that name]

Answer #4

A lot of times, people are brought up when they are children in different ways. Unknowing to them, their parents teach them a lot of their likes or dislikes. Parents aren’t to take all of the blame, of course, society and the environment is partially at fault too. We are all different and I think we should cherish each other’s differences. If we were all the same, we’d just be a boring bunch, don’t you think?

When I was younger I too wished to fit in, and we all do. Its almost like a natural instinct. I think its okay to be different so long as we ACCEPT each other’s differences. I think that if each of us starts to accept other people’s differences (bad and good) that eventually it will be socially accept to be different.

Answer #5

We all have so many different views and sadly they don’t always coexist with one another

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