Why dont felons get a second chance in life?

So I am a felon, got a distribution of marijuana within 1000ft of a school, and possesion of cocaine about 4 years ago. Besides those convictions , I have a totally clean record. And the circumstances in the case are ridiculous, because I was only charged because I knowingly lived with a drug dealer, making me guilty by association. So besides that one bad choice, which was living with a drug dealer, I now can do nothing that I really want to do in todays society. I cant jpin the military, cant get a decent job, so what is someone like me suppose to do besides go back to school, and/or start doing illegal things to get by.? And if I cant afford school, and cant get loans, then im really out of luck. It is ridiculous that there are no other options for felons out there, because were not all bad people. I got a 4.0 through high school, graduated early, played three sports, and am even involved in my church. But just because I am a felon there is no hope at all, and this is not realised by anyone, unless they too are felons. It use to be when someone had a troubled you, they would throw them in the military. Now it is impossible. Our society just doesnt make sense, so if your a felon, get rich or die trying. Screw it

Answer #1

Were you convicted when you were a minor?

EDIT: Never mind, I guess it makes no difference as to what I was going to say. Look, the ‘I only made one bad decision’ line doesn’t really fly with me. The person who knocks up his girlfriend and finds his social life over at 16 only made one bad decision. The person who drove drunk and killed his friend in the passenger seat only made one bad decision. They live with the consequences of those decisions for the rest of their lives, just as you must. You knew what the consequences COULD be and you chose to make those decisions anyway, so please spare the ‘poor me’ rhetoric. Or did you not realize that living with drug dealers was a bad choice? I’m sure the rent was cheap, but Jesus, have some sense.

This is your life now. Accept it and move forward, and stop complaining and feeling sorry for yourself.

So far, you have listed the military and not being able to get a job right away as the only two options you have. You neglected trade school, college, night classes, apprenticeships, internships, online degrees, guidance counselors, or talking to your parole officer. So far, all you’ve convinced me of is that your felony conviction is making it hard for you to achieve immediate gratification.

Answer #2

I know what you mean. As it stands right now someone with a juvinile or adult drug charge can’t join the U.S. Military. UNLESS! you know someone who knows what they are doing. If you are 100% seroius bout the Military. I could c what I could do for you with the Army. If your not sure…don’t waste urs and my time. Funmail me.

Answer #3

no , I was literally 3 days 18 when convicted, but yes the crime did happen as a minor. But oregon law dowsnt care, its the time of conviction. what a joke right

Answer #4

I feel really bad for you. I guess they just feel you need to learn your lesson. im sure if you go back to court or whatever and ask to get a job and a decent apartment, and maybe a loan, then they might consider it if your on good behavior.

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