Why do people obsess over how they look?

Seriously why do people obsess over how they look? And how much the weigh and all that.and why do people judge others? Is it so they feel better and make them feel even more pretty? Isn’t it supposed to be how you act and not how you look?

People are so screwed up these days

Answer #1

people who are obsessed with their looks and who judge others for whatever reason are very self conscience about themselves

Answer #2

I know=D but thats like personal everyone wants to look good I want to look good,but I always see people being put down if they can’t afford it and I always feel bad about it

Answer #3

it gives them confidence,I know I wont go out the house unless my hair is done,a very expensive and cute outfit with shoes and accesories.and the weight aww I am overweight [I think] and I hate it!so I dont eat,im trying a fast [water&juice only] so I can lose weight and I go to the gym as much as possible and when I cant I do situps and pushups.but mostly just to make them feel good

Answer #4

People are pretty screwed up nowadays. I honestly have self esteem issuse but I wouldn’t even like brag about how I look even if I was like hot. I always see people who are always picked on cause of how they look& think of how that could be me.. or one of my family members. I’m nice to people of all different shapes & sizes that’s all that I can really say..

Answer #5

Because some people want to look presentable. I try to on somedays, I know I look better than some of the girls at my school.

Answer #6

well im 13 and im a teenager and I like to look good all the time but like if you dont look good on some days dont make yourself look good I mean jeezeee… I straightin my hair almost everyday and I wear makeup but not everyday we just want to look good!

Answer #7

im not saying im ugly,I just treat people who don’t wear mall cloths and all that stuff normal:P

Answer #8

im not sure but all the people woo wear designer clothes and make fun of people who dont are meeenies

Answer #9

because there insecure

Answer #10

Because of the media - they feel the need to look like the people in magazines and on T.V.

Answer #11

yeah but thats cool,I mean like diss people and torment them:P lol

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