Why do my cats pee everywhere

Why do my cats pee everywhere

Answer #1

train your cat its posible… ok.. so when you see, it looks like it going to pee carry it to the right place to pee.. do that repeatedly you have to be patient dear! next time it will go there I tried that it works to me :)

Answer #2

Mabey they have a urinary tract infection? If all the litter box switching doesn’t work either fi or take to the vet.Do the cats get along?Sometimes when two cats live toghether and don’t like each other they’ll do this.

Answer #3

If your cats are males , you need to get them neutered it will help control their need to mark their territory.

Answer #4

Maybe they’re having issues with the litter box? Try a different type of box, Try a bigger box If you were using a lid, try taking off the lid and vice versa Try a different type of litter Make sure each cat has their own litter box Clean out the box once a day and wash it once a week Neuter the cats if they arent neutered

If none of this works take to the vet, they shouldnt be peeing everwhere

Answer #5

Cats pee or “spray” their territory so that other cats stay away. Like most animals they mark their territory that way and that’s how they say “this place is mine so stay out!”. And despite what some people think, cats are actually very intelligent animals. They can find their way home from miles around, they know when you are sad, they can be trained like a dog to take walks with you and fetch stuff as well as many other things that make them great pets and interesting animals.

Answer #6

There Probably Kittens, and kittens have very weak bladders Jade x x x

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