Why do I suck at everything I try?

I was out golfing today sucking at it when I realised I suck at everything heres a list School Golf Running Relationships(yes that also includes friends) Making people laugh Gaining courage to ask this girl out I just felt like venting

Answer #1

I’ve practiced runnning for 4 years still suck even though I dont think so everyone tellls me I do even this fat a** kid who I can ot run by 10 minutes

Answer #2

have you tried… singing swimsuit modelling (then girls will like u) football???

Answer #3

you just havent found the right thing yet, give it time and you’ll soon realise something you’re good at.

Answer #4

You can’t just try something and expect to be good at it. If you want to be good at something you have to practice.

Answer #5

ii didnt list everything I wrote that in 1 minute

Answer #6

don’t worry, i do too ;/ xx

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