Why did I tell him that dream?

I am 35 I was adopted I have always been attracted to my step cousin he is 32 he recently left his wife for good they were having problems a long time… we went out for the first time ever just chillin at the park we talked and talked joked and laughed both of us joked about sleeping with each other and both exspressed our attraction to each other very clearly after leaving all was great txting ect the next couple days txtin again then the msgs got a lil more racy he joked he always had good dreams about sex I said I had a dream about sex he asked me to tell him about it hesitated but thought what the hell… I even asked him if he would think less of me he said no… so I started to tell him I got 1/2 way through right before anything other than kissing and a little petting happened and asked him if I was freakin him out he said no I asked him if I should continue he said no I said do you want me to stop he said yes then said he had to go to sleep now as he had worked all night this was the case he had actually worked 14 hours… I totally got embarrased and worried about the things I had said I txt him the next day he didnt say too much later lastnight he answered my txt and even msgd to say he was at work msgd back when I said goodnight ect msgd him a bit in the early AM and then he msgd me to say he was home from work we talked for a bit lastnight I sent him a msg saying I totally overstepped and should have never said the things I did and that I will never do it again that I respect him and myself more than I showed and was sorry he never replied directly to that but talked normal with me today minus the joking… I asked him if we were still going out for coffee next week he said he would let me know… I am feeling like such an idiot I really really enjoy being around him this is all new because we never hung out before but whenever we saw each other we always talked and joked lots we are both single I would like to think he was just processing things and it freaked him a little but I worry when he asked me about the dream he thought it would be a general dream not him and I and not as vivd as I explained

Answer #1

Dreams got nothing to do with this.

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