why'd he do it

why did chris brown beat rihanna

Answer #1

It could be a rumor starting up,who knows it probably wasn’t Rihanna that he hurt

Answer #2

she didnt wanna share her umbrella-ella-ella-eh-eh-eh hahahaha lol bt 4real? I don’t know…

Answer #3

Well I dont know the real story but supposedly she gave him an std

Answer #4

I heard she gave him herpes =X that’s horrible.

Answer #5

OMG!! Everyone in my school is talking about that. I dont know, it doesnt seem like something Chris Brown would do. Then again I dont know him! But it wasnt RIGHT what he did but really, its none of are bussniuess.

Answer #6

well they dont know if it even was rihana, all they know is he beat a girl and rihana called the police. she was the one making the phone call and thats where all the rumors came in. nobody knows yet if it even was her.

Answer #7

Because he’s a f*cktard and apparently has no balls. A true man wouldn’t hit a girl. If I was her, I would broke his damn arm.

Answer #8

it’s all gossip and rumors. get over it, and worry about your own lives.

Answer #9

they say that she gave him herpies, that she got from jay-z

but than I heard they got into aan argument

I didnt think it was chris brown but than they say hes hiding so I was like okay it is him.

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