Who or what do you worship?

What do you worship? Please do not put any comments down for what I worship. I worship vampires

Answer #1

I am a proud Pagan and I worship the Goddess and God. Also the Earth and all forms of nature.

Answer #2

Im a Unitarian Universalist… I believe that all religions have validity, and that all religions should be respected… We are a creedless religion, and do not tell our paritioners what to believe… at a service, you can be sitting next to a buddhist who could be sitting next to a pagan who could be sitting next to a christian. the services promote awareness to other religions and promote social respondsibility and acceptance.

the common factor is we all respect each others beliefs, and do not dismiss any religion as “false”.

Its as involved as you make it… Personally… I think a good unitarian universalist should learn as much as they can about current world religons, ancient religions, philosophical theories, an metaphysics as much as they possibly can…

heres an analogy… you dont go to highschool to learn only one subject… you need to learn them all because they are considered to be equally important in contribuiting to a well-rounded individual. You may like some subjects better then others… but you still need to learn them to “graduate”.

…it might be alittle bit of a lame analogy…but I hope you get where im going with this… the common thing in almost all of the worlds religions is LOVE. …we all might not agree on the details or stories…but true faith is believing what you feel is true in your heart… and if your beliefs dont fall strictly into “one catagory”, then maybe look into Unitarian Universalism.

I was raised catholic… left my religion, because I do not believe it is the only true religion and that everybody else is worshipping false gods… and I do not agree with the conservative rightous viewpoint they take… and I do not agree with a bunch of other things in the religion… but I still love jesus/ god/ allah/ buddah/ whoever you wanna call him/her/it.

people need to expand their minds to more possibilities…and they need to remember the commonality of religions… love.

Answer #3

I worship the God of all creation.

Answer #4

lex icon, I used to be an athiest, and before that I was christian, did you have a belief before you were an athiest? Im sure your parents took you to church or somfin…

My Mother is Catholic, my Father is Anglican. My mother taught me the principles of the 10 commandments, but my parents always said to my sister and myself that faith is personal- they would never push their beliefs onto us, and it was up to us to choose what to believe.

After much research into many religions, I looked into science. Here I found answers supported by evidence, unlike the stories of various religions. So I chose atheism over religion, and while my parents don’t believe what I understand, they respect my choice, and love me for who I am.

Answer #5

I worship the sun goddess and the horned god.

Answer #6

lex icon, I used to be an athiest, and before that I was christian, did you have a belief before you were an athiest? Im sure your parents took you to church or somfin…

Answer #7

Well arachnid, you do still believe in something. You said so yourself.

You’re tying yourself up in semantics.

As an athiest, I don’t believe fairy stories, monsters, vampires, or any religious deity/deities. I don’t feel the need to believe in anything. Why? Because I have understanding and knowledge of the proven concepts of science. I think you’ll find what arachnid is saying is simply that he doesn’t need belief, because he has knowledge.

Answer #8


Answer #9

“Not really. I’m perfectly happy only believing in things that have evidence of their existence.”

Well arachnid, you do still believe in something. You said so yourself. :)

Answer #10

“Well people need something to believe in to keep going.”

Not really. I’m perfectly happy only believing in things that have evidence of their existence.

Answer #11

It doesn’t really matter what people believe in as long as they believe. I am a Pagan so I worship the Earth and nature because I know without a doubt that they are real. Vampires are awesome, but don’t be too pulled in by the imposters. Research Countess Bathory if you would like to learn of the first female vampire. She was a terrible woman who did terrible things. However, one cannot judge everyone by the standards set by one person. Good luck!!!

Answer #12

Well people need something to believe in to keep going. Now I didn’t say that people couldn’t believe in themselves or believe in the belief of nothing at all. lol. Most people just need something in their lives.

Answer #13


Answer #14

Who the heck is Allah?

…owww… it… hurrrtsss… The Twilight minion doesn’t know who Allah is… >_<

Answer #15

“It doesn’t really matter what people believe in as long as they believe.”

Really? Why is it important that people ‘believe’?

Answer #16

I worship custard… delicious,delicious custard.

Answer #17

Worship is an antiquated idea. The modern world has no place for narcissism of this magnitude.

Answer #18

though vampires dont exist but I know your probably too stubborn to beleive it im a proud athiest and dont beleive in any god

Answer #19

Jesus Christ, also known as, the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the Great I AM, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End, and many more, but to me,a friend that sticks closer than a brother - He paid the price for my sins on the cross and recorded my name in the Lambs Book of Life…my Savior !!

Answer #20

God lol. When I was younger I used to wanna be a vampire, because I thought I had vampire teeth and blahblahblah haha. And because I liked how the sucked the blood from men, haha. Weirdd huh lol.

Answer #21

Who the heck is Allah?

Answer #22

I worship Allah, the one and only God.

Answer #23

Like toadaly, I don’t much see the point in worshiping anything.

Answer #24

Why would I worship something? Meh.

Answer #25

I worship whom I believe is the one & only true living God!

Answer #26

G0D and I nvr heard of people worshipin vampz that kool and different

Answer #27

I worship the king of all kings lord of all lords. the mesiah. the alpha omega. there are too many words too describehim. why are you worshiping him you are asking. and its because god isnt just something I worship so I have a key to heaven its because he is always there when no one else is. he comforts me when I crying. looking through the worlds eyes he shows me people like little african kids starving and gives me all the more reason to be thankful for what he has given me as a free american. there are so many of you out there who belive in false gods and or dont believe in anything. thats okay. but only for an extent. because god wants to show you so much!!! he has a HUGE plan for your life. he knows that you have your doubts but he is waitng, arms wide for u. and right now I know he wants me to tell you that he will always be there for you so never give up in whatever it is you might be fighting for!!! and there is someone praying for you to have a wonderful day. god luves u, me, and everyone else. it doesn’t matter what youve done or been through, just go to him and he forgives. the moment you do something wrong he wipes the slate clean.

          have a blessed day,
Answer #28

My pastor says if we live a Christian life and do right by GOD we die and there is a GOD we get to heaven we have lost nothing vs. A person who does not believe and does not live a Christian life dies and gets judged by GOD goes to hell you had.fun here on earth but are going to suffer in hell forever you’ve lost everything do you want to take that chance I don’t

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